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Étiqueté : XVIe siècle

Conférences : « Albrecht Dürer’s material world », Manchester, University of Manchester, 15-29 février 2024

To celebrate the final weeks of the Whitworth’s landmark exhibition Albrecht Dürer’s Material World, please join us in February for a series of talks, supported by The John Rylands Library and Research Institute, The University of Manchester. Albrecht Dürer’s Conceptions of Measurement Professor Jeanne Nuechterlein (York University) Thursday, 15 February 2024, 5.15pm, Mansfield Cooper Building G.22 Register here: Dürer and the Making of Modernism Professor Ulinka Rublack (Cambridge University) Thursday, 22 February 2024, 5.15pm,...

Exposition : « Conserving Eden: Cranach’s Adam and Eve from the Norton Simon », Los Angeles, The Getty Center, 23 janvier-21 avril 2024

Painting in a distinctive sensuous style, Lucas Cranach the Elder (German, 1472–1553) interpreted biblical subjects with humorous insight and flair. His striking portrayals of Adam and Eve beneath the Tree of Knowledge are among the highlights of the Norton Simon Museum of Art in Pasadena, California. These captivating life-size paintings are presented for the first time at Getty following a multi-year conservation treatment and technical study. Look for Cranach’s Adam and Eve in the Museum’s...

Appel à contribution : « Arte, cultura e politica in movimento. La Serenissima, l’Abruzzo e le regioni adriatiche del Regno di Napoli (XVI-XVIII secolo) », Teramo, Università degli studi di Teramo, 10-11 avril 2024, date limite le 4 février 2024

La chiamata agli studi in oggetto prende avvio dalle ricerche in corso di due storiche dell’arte e dottorande dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo. Considerati gli ampi vuoti storiografici sull’argomento, le studiose propongono alla comunità scientifica – e particolarmente a giovani ricercatori – due giornate di studio dedicate alla circolazione culturale, artistica e ai rapporti politici ed economici tra la Repubblica di Venezia, l’Abruzzo e le regioni adriatiche del Regno di Napoli (XVI-XVIII secolo), con speciale,...

Appel à contribution : « Collecting, Growing, and Exploring in Early Modernity », Paris, EPHE, 11 juin 2024, date limite le 15 janvier 2024

The last few decades have produced a number of studies devoted to the relationship between collecting and science, highlighting the relationship between a growing interest in botany and the fascination with the collection of naturalia, especially from the mid-sixteenth century onwards. These objects of natural origins aroused the admiration of enthusiasts and scientists alike. This passion for collecting reached various corners of society: the academic garden at Leiden University included an ambulacrum that housed dried...

Journée d’étude : « ‘Da la man l’arte la tua lingua apprese’. Romano Alberti tra arte e letteratura », Florence, Fondazione Memofonte/en ligne, 15 décembre 2023

Arte, letteratura, armi, accademia: sono questi gli aspetti che Romano Alberti, incisore, poeta e trattatista, riuscì a coniugare nella sua turbolenta vita, configurandosi sullo scorcio del Cinquecento come emblema dell’intellettuale “militante”. Del ramo degli Alberti di Sansepolcro, cresciuto in un ambiente artistico floridissimo, Romano partecipò in maniera attiva al riassetto dell’Accademia di San Luca negli anni ’80, di cui resta traccia nella sua attività di trattatista d’arte. Partecipò poi alle scene letterarie napoletane, gravitanti intorno...

Appel à contribution : « Archaelogy of Colour. The Production of Polychromy in Sculpture up to the 16th century », Lisbonne/en ligne, 17-18 avril 2024, date limite le 15 décembre 2023

This symposium, to be held online, is organized within the scope of the project Archaeology of Colour (PTDC/ART-OUT/5992/2020), a project dedicated to studying the polychromy of medieval and early modern Portuguese sculpture. The symposium aims to engage scholars from different fields to enrich our understanding of the production of polychromy in sculpture up to the 16th century. Communications on subjects related to the production of polychromy on different technologies, geographies, and chronologies are welcome: Materials...

Colloque : « I Cantieri dei Carracci », Rome/en ligne, École française de Rome, 9 novembre 2023

Il convegno I Cantieri dei Carracci è il primo incontro pubblico organizzato dal comitato di pilotaggio del progetto di ricerca “Carracci ConservArt: visualizzare e comprendere la Galleria dei Carracci attraverso la sua fortuna critica, la sua conservazione e i suoi restauri. XVII-XXI secoli“. La Galleria dei Carracci a Palazzo Farnese è stata realizzata tra il 1597 e il 1608 dai fratelli Annibale e Agostino Carracci, esponenti del nuovo classicismo cinquecentesco: una magnifica volta di 20...

Appel à contribution : « Exploring Rome through Drawing in the 16th Century », Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, 6-8 mars 2024, date limite le 12 novembre 2023

Concept and organization: Tatjana Bartsch, Tanja Michalsky, Johannes Röll. Invited keynote speaker: Ilja M. Veldman In 1532, the painter Maarten van Heemskerck (1498–1574) set out on a journey from Haarlem to Rome. A collection of 94 sheets with about 160 drawings in the Berlin Kupferstichkabinett, including 66 sheets of a former sketchbook with drawings on both sides, provides a visual testimony to his five-year stay. It is the world’s largest corpus of Van Heemskerck’s Roman drawings,...

Exposition : « Raffael. Silk and Gold », Vienne, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 26 septembre 2023-14 janvier 2024

In the autumn of 2023, the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna showcases a medium that played a central role in the public celebrations of princely power and magnificence during the Renaissance : monumental tapestries. The most exquisite products fashioned from delicate silks and precious metal threads were produced in Brussels, including the series of tapestries depicting the story of the Apostles, commissioned by Pope Leo X (1475-1521) for the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The cartoons, which led...

Exposition : « Rich Man, Poor Man: Art, Class, and Commerce in a Late Medieval Town », New York, The Met Cloisters, 6 mars 2023-4 février 2024

Below the monarch, nobility, and land-owning gentry in the highly stratified society of sixteenth-century England stood those known as the “middling sort.” Like their compatriots of higher rank, they too saw art and architecture as a means of self-fashioning. This exhibition examines the emergence of distinctly middle-class taste in late medieval England by showcasing a rare set of large-scale domestic sculptures from Exeter. Commissioned by a merchant named Henry Hamlyn, the sculptures, which adorned the...