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Étiqueté : gardens

Conférence en ligne : Ana Howie, “A Material World – ‘Women, Water, and Materiality in the Early Modern Genoese Garden”, Londres, The Warburg Institute, le 23 octobre 2023, 5:30 p.m.

Early Modern Genoa was renowned for its pleasure gardens, filled with fountains, scherzi d’acqua, artificial lakes, and grottoes, which celebrated the wonders of water. In the early seventeenth century, Flemish painters Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony van Dyck sojourned in the wealthy port city and painted magnificent portraits of the city’s noblewomen embedded in garden settings. In these portraits, water splashes across the canvas and threatens to soak their sitters and beholders; this lifelike substance...

Appel à contribution : Science in the Early Modern Garden, Lisbonne, 20 au 21 juillet 2020, date limite 30 avril 2020

Although the history of early modern gardens has benefited in recent decades from an increasingly wide range of methodologies, the role played by these spaces in the development of science has been the subject of a relatively small number of inquiries. A majority of them concentrates on botanical gardens and the history of botany [Baldassari 2017], though it is now recognized that mathematics, pneumatics or astronomy found in gardens a privileged ground for experimentation and...