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Étiqueté : performance

Colloque : « The Performativity of Liturgical Art », HNA conference, La Haye, 3 juin 2022

This session seeks to investigate the performativity of the late medieval and early modern liturgical heritage from the Southern Netherlands. As liturgical objects are endowed with a ritually instituted efficacy, they lead indeed to a reflection on performativity. The performative turn in the Humanities is in line with the renewed interest in rituals and their relationships to objects, artistic or not. This approach has opened new avenues of research in art history. In this respect,...

Journée d’études : « Pré-former/Performer : Sources et catégories pour l’étude de la performance et du rituel (Moyen Âge et première Modernité) », UCLouvain, 6-7 octobre 2021

Le but de cette journée d’études est de s’interroger sur les différentes sources qui nous permettent d’étudier la performance et le rituel, en questionnant les différentes catégories d’analyse : performance dévotionnelle, théâtrale, liturgique, politique, légale, etc. Quels sont les concepts que les historien.nes, les musicologues, les historien.nes de l’art et de du théâtre utilisent et comment les confronter ? Nous entendons donc rassembler des supports variés (manuscrits, images peintes, tapisseries, objets, etc.) qui appellent à...

Appel à communication : « Framing the multimodality of early modern images : agency, performance and medialogy to study artefacts », RSA, Dublin 2022, date limite le 27 juillet 2021

Understanding paintings and sculptures as a « dispositif » (De Certeau, Agamben) has become a new research approach in the Humanities in recent years. Visual anthropology  and cognition are nowadays commonly used to explore how early modern images work within a process of production, mediation and reception (Freedberg & Gallese ; Belting). However, Visual semiology, Information and Communication Sciences are yet to be invested in a fruitful medialogy that could provide a bridge between disciplines. Studying interpersonal and...

Appel à contribution : « The Performativity of Liturgical Art », Amsterdam, 2-5 juin 2021, date limite le 1er juillet 2020

In preparation of the HNA conference 2-5 June 2021, organized by the University of Amsterdam and the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History, the program committee invites HNA members to submit proposals for paper sessions. The sessions are posted on the HNA website. Please submit your proposal(s) to the session chair(s), not the program committee. Applicants are allowed to submit multiple proposals to different sessions, but please inform all appropriate chairs about this at...

Colloque/performances  : “Unmapping the Renaissance”, Florence, 12-15 mars 2015

Colloque/performances : “Unmapping the Renaissance”, Florence, 12-15 mars 2015

“UNMAPPING the RENAISSANCE” Florence, divers lieux (voir programme) 12-15 mars 2015 Symposium initiated and organized by Mariechen Danz (artist), Angelika Stepken (Villa Romana Florence) and Eva-Maria Troelenberg (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut) This event is a joint project of the Max Planck Research Group “Objects in the Contact Zone. The Cross-Cultural Lives of Things” at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut and the Villa Romana Florence and takes place at various locations in the city. The...