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Parution: Karen Hope Goodchild, “Green Worlds in Early Modern Italy, Art and the Verdant Earth” date de publication 06 – 03 – 2019

Parution: “Green Worlds in Early Modern Italy, Art and the Verdant Earth”,  éditée par Karen Hope Goodchild, April Oettinger et Leopoldine Prosperetti, publié par Amsterdam University Press, date de publication 06 – 03 – 2019



The green mantle of the earth! This metaphor conceives of the vegetation of the earth as a green cloth that drapes the barren earth. Long popular in patristic literature Il mantello verde della terra is a poetical image that ponders the providential greening of the earth on the third day of the Creation. Borrowing from the vocabulary of weaving it epitomizes the Renaissance interest in “fashioning green worlds” in art and poetry. Rachel Carson invoked the phrase to draw attention to environmental damage done to earth’s “brilliant robe.” Here it serves as a motto for a cultural poetics that made “living nature” an object of renewed interest. The essays gathered in this volume explore the expanding technologies and cultural dimensions of verzure and verdancy in the Italian Renaissance, and the role of painting in shaping the poetics and expression of greenery in the visual arts of the 16th-century and after.


Karen Hope Goodchild:
Karen Hope Goodchild is Chapman Professor and Chair of Art History at Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Her current research intersects with landscape and art theory, artist biography, literature, and gender. She has recently published articles on landscape theory, Giorgio Vasari, Piero di Cosimo, and Agnolo Bronzino.

April Oettinger:
April Oettinger is Associate Professor of Art History at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. Her recent publications, which have appeared in scholarly journals including Artibus et Historiae and The Journal of Word and Image, treat topics including the art of 16th-century Venetian painter Lorenzo Lotto, the 1499 edition of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, and Michelangelo’s snowman. Her current book project is entitled, Lorenzo Lotto and the Sublime Turn in 16th-Century Venetian Landscape Art.

Leopoldine Prosperetti:
Leopoldine Prosperetti is the author of Landscape and Philosophy in the Art of Jan Brueghel (Ashgate, 2009) as well as a number of scholarly articles. In 2002-03 she was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, and has since taught at Goucher College and Towson University in Maryland. In fall 2016 she took up a position as Instructional Professor in the History of Art at the School of Art at the University of Houston. She is in the final stages of a book entitled, Sylvan Moments: Woodland Imagery in European Art, a collection of essays on the poetics of woodlands in European art.


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alessandragotuzzo (3 avril 2019). Parution: Karen Hope Goodchild, “Green Worlds in Early Modern Italy, Art and the Verdant Earth” date de publication 06 – 03 – 2019. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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