Parution: Alessandro Nova, Francesca Borgo, Rodolfo Maffeis, “Leonardo in Dialogue. The Artist Amid His Contemporaries”
Parution: “Leonardo in Dialogue. The Artist Amid His Contemporaries”, édité par Alessandro Nova, Francesca Borgo, Rodolfo Maffeis, publié par Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut.
Leonardo is often considered an artist apart, isolated in his greatness. This book is about to be combined with broader conditions of art making. It is therefore designed to deliver the rich and challenging nature of Leonardo’s studies under the collective consideration and scrutiny of scholars, irrespective of methodological training and across geographic and institutional boundaries. Leonardo’s dialogues – those between the artists and his contemporaries, as well as between Leonardo specialists and Renaissance art historians writ large.
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alessandragotuzzo (22 avril 2019). Parution: Alessandro Nova, Francesca Borgo, Rodolfo Maffeis, “Leonardo in Dialogue. The Artist Amid His Contemporaries” Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse