Parution: Anne Scott et Michael Barbezat “Fluid Bodies and Bodily Fluids in Premodern Europe; Bodies, Blood, and Tears in Literature, Theology and Art” Arc Humanities Press
Parution: “Fluid Bodies and Bodily Fluids in Premodern Europe; Bodies, Blood, and Tears in Literature, Theology and Art”,
écrit par Anne Scott et Michael Barbezat, publication faite par Arc Humanities Press le 30 – 09 – 2019
For medieval and early modern thinkers, the apparent solidity of the body only came about through the dynamic interplay of a host of fluidities in constant flux. This interdisciplinary collection of essays, containing chapters from specialists in history, art history, medical history, and literature, examines how the intimately familiar language of the body served as a convenient medium through which to imagine and describe transformations of the larger world, both for the better and also for the worse. Its individual contributors demonstrate the myriad ways in which rethinking the human body was one way to approach rethinking the social, political, and religious realities of the world from the Middle Ages until the early modern period.
Anne Scott
Anne M. Scott is an Honorary Research Fellow in English and Cultural Studies at the University of Western Australia. She has published widely in late Middle English literature.
Michael Barbezat
Michael D. Barbezat is an historian of religious and intellectual history. He is a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for the History of Emotions at the University of Western Australia.
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alessandragotuzzo (3 juin 2019). Parution: Anne Scott et Michael Barbezat “Fluid Bodies and Bodily Fluids in Premodern Europe; Bodies, Blood, and Tears in Literature, Theology and Art” Arc Humanities Press. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse