Colloque : « Testing the Limits : Absence, Presence, and the Bounds of the Premodern Image », Basel, Eikones Forum, 12-13 mars 2020
Programme :
Thursday, March 12
10:00 Coffee
10:30 Welcome + Introduction to Conference – Ralph Ubl (Universität Basel/eikones) Nancy Thebaut (Universität Basel/eikones)
Chair: Lucas Burkart (Universität Basel)
11:00 Christopher Heuer (University of Rochester) – Dürer/Evaporation
12:00 Amy Knight Powell (University of Southern California) – Boxes and Strings
1:00 Lunch Break
Chair: Barbara Schellewald (Universität Basel)
2:30 Nancy Thebaut (Universität Basel/eikones) – Elliptical Images of Christ
3:30 Meseret Oldjira (Princeton University) – Present but not Seen: The Image of Christ in Ethiopian Gospels
4:30 Coffee Break
5:00 Beate Fricke (Universität Bern) – Color and Chaos
6:00 Apéritif
Friday, March 13
10:00 Visit to Historisches Museum Basel, Barfüsserkirche (Barfüsserplatz 7)
12:30 Lunch at eikones
Chair: Henriette Hofmann (Universität Basel/eikones)
2:00 David Ganz (Universität Zurich) – Behind the Curtain of Silence: Imagining the Threshold between Divine and Human Words
3:00 Nicole Pulichene (Harvard University) –Ivory Palimpsests in the Early Medieval Liturgy
4:00 Coffee Break
4:30 Markus Rath (Universität Basel) – Substantial Transgressions: Color as prima materia in Early Modern Painting
5:30 End
Conference at eikones: Center for the Theory and History of the Image, University of Basel
The event is sponsored by eikones and the NOMIS Foundation
Concept and Organization: Nancy Thebaut, NOMIS Fellow at eikones,
eikones Forum, Rheinsprung 11, 4051 Basel, Switzerland
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Juliette Brack (29 février 2020). Colloque : « Testing the Limits : Absence, Presence, and the Bounds of the Premodern Image », Basel, Eikones Forum, 12-13 mars 2020. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse