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Appel à contribution : Viator, Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Viator offers a space for renewed attention to the global long Middle Ages, viewed broadly as the period from late antiquity into early modernity, while continuing its long-standing tradition of publishing articles of distinction in the established fields of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. In keeping with its title, ‘traveler,’ the journal gives special consideration to articles that cross frontiers, focusing on meetings between cultures, pursuing an idea through the centuries, or employing methods of different disciplines simultaneously, while remaining accessible to the non-specialist reader. We particularly welcome articles that look beyond Western Eurasia and North Africa and consider the history, literature, art, and thought of the Medieval and Renaissance periods from a global perspective.
With a revised and forward-looking mission statement, we are currently seeking articles of 8,000 – 13,000 words. Viator is also interested in featuring edited clusters of shorter articles (2000–3,500 words each). We eagerly look forward to publishing our first cluster, « Looking Ahead: Global Encounters in the North Atlantic, ca. 350–1300,” edited by Nahir Otaño Gracia, Nicole Lopez-Jantzen, and Erica Weaver and featuring urgent interventions by early-career scholars.
To submit an article to Viator or to propose a cluster, please contact Allison McCann. Submissions guidelines can be found here.

Editor: Henry Ansgar Kelly (English, UCLA)

Managing Editor: Allison McCann (CMRS, UCLA)

Editorial Board: Matthew Fisher (English, UCLA); Jessica Goldberg (History, UCLA); Javier Patiño Loira (Spanish & Portuguese, UCLA); Peter Stacey (History, UCLA); Erica Weaver (English, UCLA); Bronwen Wilson (Art History, UCLA); Luke Yarbrough (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA).

Editorial Consultants: Brigitte Buettner (Smith College); Courtney M. Booker (University of British Columbia); Jean-Claude Carron (University of California, Los Angeles); Jamie Fumo (Florida State University); Patrick J. Geary (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, and University of California, Los Angeles); Sarah James (University of Kent); Chris Jones (University of Canterbury, Christchurch); Constant Mews (Monash University); Andrea Moudarres (University of California, Los Angeles); Cary J. Nederman (Texas A&M University); Thomas O’Donnell (Fordham University); Kristen Lee Over (Northeastern Illinois University); Eric Palazzo (Université de Poitiers); Edward Schoolman (University of Nevada, Reno); Elisa Tosi Brandi (Università di Bologna).


Viator – UCLA 

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Juliette Brack (14 juin 2020). Appel à contribution : Viator, Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

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