Parution : Paula Nuttall, Geoffrey Nuttall and Michael Kwakkelstein, Filippino Lippi, Leyde, Brill, 2020
This volume presents fourteen papers originally delivered at the international conference Filippino Lippi: Beauty, Invention and Intelligence, at the Dutch University Institute (NIKI), Florence in 2017. Filippino (1457-1504), although one of the most original and gifted artists of the Florentine renaissance, has attracted less scholarly attention than his father Fra Filippo Lippi or his master Botticelli, and very little has been published on him in English. This book, authored by leading Renaissance art historians, covers diverse aspects of Filippino Lippi’s art: his role in Botticelli’s workshop; his Lucchese patrons; his responses to Netherlandish painting; portraits; space and temporality; the restoration of the Strozzi Chapel in Santa Maria Novella, Florence; his immediate artistic legacy and nineteenth-century critical reception.
Paula Nuttall, Ph.D. (1990), Courtauld Institute of Art is Course Director at the V&A Academy, London. She is an art historian specialising in artistic relations between the Netherlands and Italy in the Renaissance, on which she has published widely.
Geoffrey Nuttall, Ph.D. (2013), Courtauld Institute of Art, is an independent scholar specialising in Renaissance Lucca. He has published widely on aspects of Lucchese artistic patronage, and is currently preparing a monograph Lucca at the Dawn of the Renaissance
Michael W. Kwakkelstein, Ph.D. (1994), is Professor of Italian Renaissance Art and Art Theory at the Department of History and Art History at Utrecht University and Director of the Dutch University Institute for Art History in Florence.
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Fiammetta Campagnoli (4 octobre 2020). Parution : Paula Nuttall, Geoffrey Nuttall and Michael Kwakkelstein, Filippino Lippi, Leyde, Brill, 2020. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse