Parution : Adam S. Cohen (dir.), et. al., « The Visualization of Knowledge in Medieval and Early Modern Europe », Turnhout, Brepols, 2020
Table of Contents
Marcia Kupfer, Introduction
I. Visualization between Mind and Hand
Mary Carruthers, Geometries for Thinking Creatively
Lina Bolzoni, Visualization of a Universal Knowledge: Images and Rhetorical Machines in Giulio Camillo’s Theatre of Memory
Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Mindmapping: The Diagram Paradigm in Medieval Art – and Beyond
II. The Iconicity of Text
Beatrice Kitzinger, Framing the Gospels, c. 1000: Iconicity, Textuality, and Knowledge
Lesley Smith, Biblical Gloss and Commentary: the Scaffolding of Scripture
David Stern, The Topography of the Talmudic Page
Ayelet Even-Ezra, Seeing the Forest beyond the Trees: A Preliminary Overview of a Scholastic Habit of Visualization
Yuval Harari, Functional Paratexts and the Transmission of Knowledge in Medieval and Early Modern Jewish Manuscripts of Magic
A. Mark Smith, More than Meets the Eye: What Made the Printing Revolution Revolutionary
III. Graphic Vehicles of Scientia
Barbara Obrist, The Idea of a Spherical Universe and its Visualization in the Earlier Middle Ages (Seventh–Twelfth Centuries)
Marcia Kupfer, The Rhetoric of World Maps in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Faith Wallis, Visualizing Knowledge in Medieval Calendar Science: a Twelfth-Century Family of ‘Graphic Glosses’ on Bede’s De temporum ratione
John Haines, The Visualization of Music in the Middle Ages: Three Case Studies
Peter Murray Jones, Visualization in Medicine between Script and Print, c. 1375–1550
IV. Diagrammatic Traditions
Linda Safran, A Prolegomenon to Byzantine Diagrams
Adam S. Cohen, Diagramming the Diagrammatic: Twelfth-Century Europe
Madeline H. Caviness, Templates for Knowledge: Geometric Ordering of the Built Environment, Monumental Decoration, Illuminated Page
Lucy Freeman Sandler, Religious Instruction and Devotional Study: The Pictorial and the Textual in Gothic Diagrams
J. H. Chajes, The Kabbalistic Tree
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Florence Larcher (7 juillet 2020). Parution : Adam S. Cohen (dir.), et. al., « The Visualization of Knowledge in Medieval and Early Modern Europe », Turnhout, Brepols, 2020. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse