Appel à contribution : « Shades of Purple – Purple Ornament in Medieval Manuscripts », Zurich, University of Zurich, 25-26 novembre 2021, date limite le 30 avril 2021
We invite paper proposals for a two-day workshop on purple ornament in medieval manuscripts, scheduled to take place at the Chair of Medieval Art History at the University of Zurich on 25 and 26 November 2021. Proposals should be submitted by 30 April 2021.
Recent advances in the technical analysis of purple colorants have spurred new interest in the aesthetics of purple ornament in medieval manuscripts. This most prestigious embellishment associated with imperial splendor underwent stunning transformations between the 8th and the 11th century. Purple dyes (mostly produced from lichens) were not only used to color the entire parchment surfaces of sacred books, but purple colorants were also used selectively to highlight specific texts, pages and miniatures corresponding to the content, topology, imagery, and script of individual manuscripts. Various techniques and methods were employed to create multi-sensory purple textures, combining shades of purple from red to dark blue and evoking different purple-colored materials such as silks and porphyry.
The workshop welcomes proposals that consider the whole range of these aesthetic possibilities and analyze their specific contexts and semantics throughout the Middle Ages, with a special focus on Carolingian and Ottonian manuscripts. Broader theoretical approaches are also welcome. Topics of particular interest are:
- Shades of purple: techniques, aesthetics and semantics of different purple hues
- Purple-ground: images on, in or framed by purple
- Purple ornament and script
- The topology of purple ornament in manuscripts
- Transcultural comparisons and exchange processes (i.e. Byzantine purple manuscripts, documents and silks as well as southern Italian and Spanish purple-colored manuscripts)
- Material evocations: imitating purple textiles and stones
- Purple topoi in rhetoric and poetry and their relationship to material ornament
- Interactions between liturgical use and purple-colored manuscripts
- Purple manuscripts as gifts: patronage and donations
Speaking time for each paper is 30 minutes (followed by 20 minutes for discussion). The conference languages are English, German, French and Italian. Submissions should include the title and an abstract (max. 300 words) as well as the name, contact information and short CV of the speaker. Proposals should be submitted to by 30 April 2021.
The confirmation of accepted papers will be announced by 15 May 2021. The workshop is currently planned as an in-person meeting. Travel expenses and on-site accommodation of all speakers will be covered.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Florence Larcher (26 avril 2021). Appel à contribution : « Shades of Purple – Purple Ornament in Medieval Manuscripts », Zurich, University of Zurich, 25-26 novembre 2021, date limite le 30 avril 2021. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 26 janvier 2025 à l’adresse