Appel à communication : « New Approaches to the Art and Architecture of Angevin and Aragonese Naples (1265-1458) », 57th ICMS, date limite le 15 septembre 2021
The city and kingdom of Naples occupied a central place in late-medieval Mediterranean life: it was a powerful kingdom with deep connections to the French throne; it controlled vast territories throughout Italy in service to the papacy; and its many ports welcomed goods arriving from the Levant, north Africa, and western Europe. Despite this importance during the medieval period the city has been, generally, overshadowed by other cities such as Rome, Florence, and Venice in academic discourse. Nevertheless, the city has been interrogated in recent decades by many prominent European and American art historians who have expanded our understanding of Neapolitan art patronage and devotional images during the trecento and quattrocento, including Francesco Aceto, Nicolas Bock, Caroline Bruzelius, Bianca de Divitiis, Stefano D’Ovidio, Janis Elliott, Cathleen Fleck, Adrian Hoch, Pierluigi Leone de Castris, Vinni Lucherini, Tanja Michalsky, Alessandra Perriccioli Saggese, Elisabetta Scirocco, Paola Vitolo, Cordelia Warr, and Sarah Wilkins, to name a few.
This panel invites submissions from students that will build on recent scholarship and examine the relationship between the art, artists, and architecture of late-medieval Naples and the wider connected world. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: the movement of material and visual culture between Naples, the wider Mediterranean, and beyond; the movement of people, including patrons, artists, and craftsmen, between Naples and the wider connected world; the impact of trade to or from Naples; diplomatic, political, commercial, artistic, and cultural exchanges and interactions and their effects within and beyond Naples; the role of women as patrons, rulers, nuns, and powerbrokers in Naples; dress and comportment; the textile arts; portolan atlases; trade between Naples and other cities, including, but not limited to, Florence, London, Paris, Rome, Tunis, or Jerusalem.
Please submit papers through the ICMS Confex site at no later than 15 September. The ICMA Student Committee will send out notifications in the latter half of September. Please direct all questions or concerns to and .
A good abstract will state the topic and argument and will inform specialists in the field of what is new about the research. Generalities known to everyone, or research that a scholar intends to do but has not yet begun, are not appropriate. Please keep in mind that, if selected, your abstract will be used, as is, for the online program and conference app.Since the International Congress on Medieval Studies will be run virtually in 2022, the ICMA (via a Samuel H. Kress Foundation grant) will cover the conference fees of those participating in the ICMA-sponsored session(s). Participants will be required to be members of the ICMA at the time of the conference (May 2022).
Janis Elliott and Denva Gallant are organizing two sessions on Naples sponsored by the ICMA, Naples and Beyond: World-Wide Cultural Networks. To promote stronger networks between ICMA student and senior scholars, they will also moderate the Student Committee session.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Juliette Brack (8 septembre 2021). Appel à communication : « New Approaches to the Art and Architecture of Angevin and Aragonese Naples (1265-1458) », 57th ICMS, date limite le 15 septembre 2021. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse