DAY ONE: Thursday 7 October 2021
10.00 – 11.20: Materials and Global Trade
Ana Howie – Global Materials, Global Identities: Cosmopolitan Dressing in van Dyck’s Balbi Children
Hugh Chevis – Why Early Modern English Clothiers started using Spanish Merino Wool
Saoirse Dervla Laaraichi – The Pearl Trade: Beauty and Race
11.40 – 1.00: Veiling and Masking
Katherine Bond – The Materiality of Women’s Veils in Early Modern Europe
Elizabeth Currie – Material Disguises and the Clothing of Everyday People, 1550-1650
Luisina Silva Blanc – “Pragmatica Sancion, que su Magestad Manda:” Sumptuary Laws in Colonial Latin America
1.20 – 2.10: Re-Use and Recycling
Cecilia Aneer – Practices of Reuse and Principles of Material Management: The Swedish Royal Wardrobe as a Material Resource c. 1540-1620
Katarzyna Moskal – Second Life of Clothes and their Ornamentation in 17th-century Krakow and and the Surrounding Area
2.30 – 4.00: Continuity and Change
Sean Manning – The Medieval Logic of Early Modern Doublet-Making
Martina Hřibová – Textile Materials in Men’s Spanish Fashion from Valladolid
Pat Poppy – Russet: the Decline and Disappearance of a Fabric
DAY TWO: Friday 8 October 2021
10.00 – 11.20: Nature, Health and Beauty
Victoria Munn – The Flaming Crown: Red Hair in Elizabethan England
Mirren Brockies – “Worne about the neck:” The Materials of Health in Early Modern England
Zara Kesterton – Florals for Spring? The Use of Three-Dimensional Flowers in 18th-century Fashion
11.40 – 1.00: Animal Fibres and Innovation
Carlo Scapecchi – “Nova Inventione di metter in opera il pelo di capra:” Weaving Goat Hair in Late Renaissance Florence (1581-1592)
Jane Malcolm-Davies – Finding a Fitting Fleece for Fulling: Investigating the Role of Fabric Finishing in Early Modern Headwear
Lesley O’Connell Edwards – Wool and Silk Knitted Stockings in 16th-century England
1.20 – 3.00: Trimmings and Embroidery
Cecilia Candréus – Managing Materials for Embroidery in the Royal Workshops in mid-16th-century Sweden
Lena Dahrén – Trimmed with Gold and Silver
Cecilia Gunzburger – Fashion and Civility: The Material Meanings of Linen Lace
The conference is organised by Sarah Bendall and Rebecca Unsworth in conjunction with the Sartorial Society, with thanks to the Pasold Research Fund.