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Appel à contribution : « Collections in the Early Modern Era », Olomouc, Palacký University, 13-17 juin 2022, date limite le 20 mars 2022

Collections in Early Modern Era, international workshop on spaces for collections, collecting and collectors.

The history of collecting is one of the most interesting fields of art history, offering opportunities for interdisciplinary research. Research on the origins and development of art collections, on how works were acquired through agents and presented to the public, and, last but not least, on the collector integrates many disciplines. In addition to art history, these include history, sociology, psychology, the history of art market and diplomatic relations. The study of the provenance of works of art is nowadays a much sought-after discipline not only in the field of scientific research but also in the contemporary art market.

What we do : The aim of this international five-day workshop is to present contemporary research questions and research results on the topic of collecting in early modern Europe to the professional public and students. The workshop will combine oral presentations with a practical part – excursions to selected collections and collection spaces.

Who we want : The workshop is intended for experts on the topic, for whom it will be an opportunity to meet and discuss with colleagues from various institutions, as well as for students who are already working on the topic or want to get to know it better.

Scientists from the University of Leiden, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and University of Trnava have agreed to participate as invited speakers. Special section will be dedicated to the presentation of short students’ projects. The workshop is held within the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme. Active student participants will receive 5 ETCS credits.

What you should do : We welcome papers on the origins and development of individual collections, the transformation of spaces for art collections, the profile of the early modern collector, the art market in specific areas of Europe (the Netherlands, Vienna, Venice, Genoa etc.), the confrontation of the character of profane and sacred collections, portrait galleries etc.

Please send your proposals of about 300 words and your curriculum vitae to .
Workshop language : English.


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
celialocufier (1 mars 2022). Appel à contribution : « Collections in the Early Modern Era », Olomouc, Palacký University, 13-17 juin 2022, date limite le 20 mars 2022. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

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