Colloque : « The Performativity of Liturgical Art », HNA conference, La Haye, 3 juin 2022
This session seeks to investigate the performativity of the late medieval and early modern liturgical heritage from the Southern Netherlands. As liturgical objects are endowed with a ritually instituted efficacy, they lead indeed to a reflection on performativity. The performative turn in the Humanities is in line with the renewed interest in rituals and their relationships to objects, artistic or not. This approach has opened new avenues of research in art history. In this respect, we may say that art is performative insofar as it engages the spectator in a performance; it could even be argued that art is effective only when it is performed. The art object can be therefore considered as an agent, that is to say, as an object endowed with an ability to act or to trigger reactions and not simply as a thing to be interpreted as a passive vector of forms and ideas.
This session aims to study these objects within the wide network of relationships that shape their meaning and their efficacy: the relationship with their spatial environment, especially with the rituals performed in this environment, the relationship with their users, but also the relationship between the different objects themselves. Liturgical objects – such as chasubles, copes, altar frontals, chalices, monstrances, altar bells … – were displayed and used in a certain order and were part of a network not only of other artefacts, but also of images, gestures, words, sounds and smells. Issues related to the contextualization of the liturgical objects in their spatial, material and religious environment will be explored so as to provide a renewed analysis of their ritual and artistic significance.
Anja Grebe, Danube University Krems
Singing the Codex. Performing Liturgical Books in Late Medieval and Early Modern Times
Stefaan Grieten, KULeuven
Work for the People, Work for the Ruler. The Investments of Erard de La Marck for St Lambert’s Cathedral in Liège
Ethan Matt Kavaler, University of Toronto
Tombs and Performance: Ambiguous Actors
Lynn F. Jacobs, University of Arkansas
Performing Interiority: The Chapel Space and the Antwerp Carved Altarpiece at Ringsaker
Valentine Langlais, University Paul Valery, Montpellier III
The Last Supper on the Altarpieces of the Holy Sacrament: a performative representation of the Catholic Mass
Junko Ninagawa, Kansai University
Visual Instructions for Performing Rituals – Images of Sacraments
Session organizers:
Ralph Dekoninck, UCLouvain
Barbara Baert, KU Leuven
Marie-Christine Claes, KIK-IRPA, Brussels
Friday 3 June, La Haye
University Campus Wijnhaven, Mauritshuis, RKD, and on location
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Juliette Brack (12 mai 2022). Colloque : « The Performativity of Liturgical Art », HNA conference, La Haye, 3 juin 2022. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse