Exposition : “Hans Hoffmann. A European artist of the Renaissance”, Nuremberg, German National Museum, du 12 mai au 8 août 2022
Nuremberg citizen and European artist: Hans Hoffmann (ca. 1545/50 – 1591/92) is considered one of the leading lights of the “Duerer Renaissance”. His artistic reputation is based on his numerous copies of works by the old master. Imitation was not a practice he alone specialised in, however; rather, it was part of a European art phenomenon which reached its peak in around 1600. In comparing the work of Hoffmann with that of Duerer and his contemporaries, the exhibition raises questions about the nature of original and copy, inspiration and artistic appropriation.
The special exhibition is the first monographic showing of Hoffmann’s work, and represents his life and work for the first time through selected paintings and drawings. Among the deceptively exact copies, reproductions of Duerer’s portrayals of animals have a prominent place. However, Hoffmann also made his own animal and plant studies, as well as religious compositions and portraits of well-known Nuremberg personages.
We thank “Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung” and “STAEDTLER-Stiftung” for their generous support.
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mariecollet (24 juin 2022). Exposition : “Hans Hoffmann. A European artist of the Renaissance”, Nuremberg, German National Museum, du 12 mai au 8 août 2022. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mox6