Parution : Paolo Galluzzi, Alessandro Nova (dir.), « Decoding Leonardo’s Codices. Compilation, Dispersal, and Reproduction Technologies », Venise, Marsilio Editori, 2022

This book contains the essay of an international conference organized by the Kunsthistorisches Institut and the Museo Galileo, which was held at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence in 2019.

Its aim was to investigate how Leonardo’s manuscripts were compiled, their dispersal after the artist’s death, and the pioneering initiatives for facsimile reproduction and text transcription, beginning in the last decades of the nineteenth century. These enterprises were based on the rapid evolution of printing techniques – photography, lithography, heliophotography – which paved the way to new digital tools and methods for publishing and disseminating Leonardo’s codices.


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Florence Larcher (20 juillet 2022). Parution : Paolo Galluzzi, Alessandro Nova (dir.), « Decoding Leonardo’s Codices. Compilation, Dispersal, and Reproduction Technologies », Venise, Marsilio Editori, 2022. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 9 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

Florence Larcher

Florence Larcher est doctorante à l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Ses recherches sur les images de saint Roch en Italie de 1350 à 1680 l'amènent à étudier la peinture murale, la sérialité et l'itinérance des peintres.

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