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Appel à contribution : « The Many Forms Of The Decameron : Interpretations, Translations And Adaptations » (avril 2015), date limite : 15 février 2015

The Many Forms Of The Decameron: Interpretations, Translations And Adaptations

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore

24-26 April, 2015



The conference seeks to explore Boccaccio’s Decameron, its translatability into different media, languages, and historical contexts. The discussion will not be limited to the Decameron and its adaptability, but will also explore the broader concept of translation as well as the relationship between media and authorship, bringing together a network of scholars from various disciplines. The event will feature standard graduate conference panels and keynote lectures from experts of different media, but will also incorporate film screenings, theatrical performances, and other events. To that end, students and artists with original adaptations of the Decameron (films, paintings, novel, short stories, sculptures, music, comics, scripts, …) are also invited to submit their works that will be included in different ways in the conference. Examples of topics that will be covered include, but are not limited to, the following :

  • Translating the Decameron
  • Boccaccio in different literary genres and literature (ie Chaucer, Shakespeare)
  • The Decameron and film : high cinema and sexploitation (from Righelli, to Pasolini, to Lealand).
  • The Decameron and theater
  • The Decameron and music
  • The Decameron and the visual arts
  • Translation vs. adaptation
  • Re-interpretations vs. misreadings
  • The short novel and its adaptability
  • The Decameron’s reception and fortune across Europe, USA, and Worldwide
  • The Decameron as adaptation: sources, intertextuality and citations
  • Remaking the Decameron: medievalism and neomedievalism
  • Other adaptations: censorship, editing and the textual tradition of the Decameron

Please submit an abstract of no more than 200 words together with your information (name, title, affiliation, e-mail and telephone number) and audiovisual requests to for a panel presentation. Presentations should be limited to 15-20 minutes and given in Italian or English.
To submit any other creative work, contact us at to arrange a suitable exposition of your work.

The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2015 .

The Italian Graduate Conference Committee – Johns Hopkins University


Keynote speakers :

  • Victoria Kirkham (University of Pennsylvania)
  • Patrick Rumble (University of Wisconsin – Madison)
  • Eugenio Refini (Johns Hopkins University)




Image : Pieter Paul Rubens, Cimon et Iphigénie, v. 1617, Vienne, Kunsthistorisches Museum

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Angèle Tence (3 janvier 2015). Appel à contribution : « The Many Forms Of The Decameron : Interpretations, Translations And Adaptations » (avril 2015), date limite : 15 février 2015. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 23 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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