Journées d’étude : « Abiding Present. Challenging Time in Art History », Londres, The Warburg Institute, 11-12 mai 2023
This workshop is generously supported by The Warburg Institute and the Association for Art History. It is organised by Dr Ambra D’Antone (Bilderfahrzeuge, The Warburg Institute, London), Dr Felix Jäger (LMU Munich) and Dr Johannes von Müller (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel).
Where: The Warburg Institute / Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Sq, London WC1B 5DR
When: 11 May 2023, 1pm – 8pm | 12 May 2023, 9am – 4pm
Day 1 – Thursday 11 May 2023
13:00: Arrival and coffee: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Sq, London WC1B 5DR
13:30: Welcome and introduction
PANEL 1 – Art History’s Times
13:50: Ambra D’Antone
14:00: Mateusz Kapustka: ‘The Origins of Inheritance: Staging the Loyalty of Time in Baroque Philosophical Theses’
14:40: Ana Redondo Plaza: ‘The Modern Quattrocento: Piero della Francesca and Paolo Uccello out of the Timeline in the Construction of Modernity’
15:20: BREAK
15:40: Nadia von Maltzahn: ‘Rethinking Periodization in Lebanon’s Post-Independence Art History’
16:20: Emily C. Burns: ‘Belated: Accommodating Art’s Multiple Temporalities’
17:00: BREAK
Conference relocates to Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB
17:30: Keynote Lecture / Caroline van Eck: ‘The Figuration of the Forgotten: Proust and Warburg on Fractured Selves and Involuntary Memories’ – Warburg Institute Lecture Room. NB: this lecture will also be available for online attendance.
19:00: RECEPTION – Warburg Institute Lecture Room
Day 2 – Friday 12 May 2023
09:00: Arrival and coffee: Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB
PANEL 2 – Speculative Times
09:20: Johannes von Müller
09:30: Session with material from the Warburg Institute Archives, chaired by Dr Eckart Marchand (Bilderfahrzeuge Research Group)
10:30: Steffen Haug: ‘”A Theory of Relativity for Historic Time”: Aby Warburg and his Studies on Luther between Past(s) and Present(s)’
11:10: Kevin Lotery: ‘The Anteroom Dweller: Siegfried Kracauer’s History: The Last Things Before the Last’
11:50: LUNCH
Conference relocates to Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Sq, London WC1B 5DR
PANEL 3 – Critical Times
12:50: Felix Jäger
13:00: Chloe Julius: ‘The Abiding Present of Contemporary Art in Art History: An October Inheritance’
13:40: Max Böhner: ‘Queer Temporality’
14:20: BREAK
14:40: Ewelina Chwiejda: ‘Moving Towards an Engaged Art History? Discussing the Role of the Art Historian Today’
15:20: Final Remarks
16:00: End of conference
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Florence Larcher (30 avril 2023). Journées d’étude : « Abiding Present. Challenging Time in Art History », Londres, The Warburg Institute, 11-12 mai 2023. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 17 février 2025 à l’adresse