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Appel à contribution: « Artists and Friendship in Early Modern Europe », Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Vancouver, date limite 1er mars 2015


« Artists and Friendship in Early Modern Europe »



We invite proposals for papers to be included in a panel on artists and friendship at the 2015  Sixteenth Century Studies Conference (Vancouver, October 22 – 25, 2015). A number of recent publications have broadened our understanding of the structure and ideology of friendship in early modern Europe. This panel seeks to bring this scholarship into dialogue with art history, and to explore how notions of friendship and amity impacted the lives of artists or the production of art.

Topics might include: case studies of friendship among artists; the visual commemoration of friendship in portraits or other genres; marketing and self-promotion through networks of friends ; patrons as friends/friends as patrons; gift exchange among friends; professional collaboration and affinity (or lack thereof) among artists; or the impact of classical formulations of friendship on sixteenth-century art production.

To propose a paper, please send an abstract of no more than 250 words and a curriculum vitae to: Meryl Bailey ( and Elizabeth Carroll Consavari ( by March 1, 2015. We will notify panelists by March 30, 2015. Once submitted, the panel is subject to review and approval by the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference organizers.

Organizers: Meryl Bailey (Mills College) and Elizabeth Carroll Consavari (San Jose State University)


About the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference: The SCSC, a not-for-profit scholarly organization, receives no governmental or institutional funding. In order to participate in this conference, delegates or their sponsoring institution/organization will need to fund their own travel and lodging expenses in addition to a $170 per delegate registration fee ($100 student fee). The registration fee is used to pay for conference facilities and general events. By paying the fee, delegates become members in the SCSC and receive the Sixteenth Century Journal.


Légende: Jacopo da Pontormo, Double portrait de deux amis avec un passage “De l’amitié” de Cicéron, v. 1522. Huile sur bois, 88.2 x 68 cm. Fondazione Giorgio Cini/Galleria di Palazzo Cini, Venise

Source: CFP: Panel at SCSC (Vancouver, 22-25 Oct 15). In: H-ArtHist, 16 févr. 2015 (accessed 17 févr. 2015), <>.



OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Marie Piccoli-Wentzo (18 février 2015). Appel à contribution: « Artists and Friendship in Early Modern Europe », Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Vancouver, date limite 1er mars 2015. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

Marie Piccoli-Wentzo

Marie Piccoli-Wentzo est docteure en Histoire de l'Art moderne. Elle a soutenu sa thèse sur l'image du désert dans l'Italie du XVe siècle à l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Ses recherches actuelles portent sur l'expérience esthétique du public de la fin de l'époque médiévale et de la Renaissance devant une œuvre.

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