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Appel à communication : « Fashion & Art History », York, date limite : 27 mars 2015

« Fashion & Art History »

AAH’s annual Student Summer Symposium

29-30 juin 2015

University of York


Fashion and art often follow a shared trajectory of social, political, and historical circumstances. In collaboration with the University of York, the AAH’s annual Student Summer Symposium will explore the relationship between fashion and art, by inviting papers that engage with this subject across a wide range of chronological and theoretical perspectives.

Détail-de-robeThe influence of fashionable dress on artists and patrons of art has recently become a popular and productive avenue for research in art history, while fashion designers have likewise been shown to engage continuously with historical and fine art as sources of inspiration. ‘Fashion and Art History’ invites papers that build upon these conversations while also addressing questions that continue to be debated in art and fashion history circles: What evidence does art provide for how dress operates within society ? Is fashion ‘art’ ? Should fashion history be taught alongside art history in academic curricula? When should these objects be displayed in galleries alongside each other, and how does this change the way we understand artworks and fashionable dress ? Finally, how might the tools and methodologies of these related disciplines aid the study of their respective subjects ?

We welcome contributions from all periods and contexts that engage with the relationship between art and fashion within aesthetic, cultural, social, and material frameworks. Topics may include, but are not limited to :

– The engagement of artists, sitters, and patrons of works art with fashion.
– Artworks and visual imagery as evidence for understandings of historical dress.
– Artists as fashion designers and style setters.
– The dissemination of fashionable dress through artworks.
– Fashion designers as artists and the status of fashion as an art.
– Historical revivals in fashion and the role of visual culture in this process.
– Exhibitions devoted to fashion history, and the display of fashion in art galleries.
– Developing relationships between fashion and art and its histories.

Abstracts of no more than 250 words for 20-minute papers plus a 100-word biography should be submitted as a single Word document to Anna
Bonewitz, Serena Dyer, Sophie Littlewood, and Sophie Frost at : by 27 March 2015.

The symposium is open to all, however speakers are required to be AAH members.

The Association of Art Historians (AAH) Summer Symposium is a two-day annual conference highlighting post-graduate research. It takes place at a different university each year in early Summer.



OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Angèle Tence (23 février 2015). Appel à communication : « Fashion & Art History », York, date limite : 27 mars 2015. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

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