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Parution : Michel Weemans, Stijn Bussels, Karl Enenkel et Elliott D. Wise, “Imago and Contemplatio in the Visual Arts and Literature (1400-1700)”, Leyde, Brill, 2024

This volume contains twenty-four essays, which, in their subjects and methodology, pay tribute to the scholarship of Walter S. Melion. The contributions are grouped under three categories: “Devotion”, “Art and Image Theory”, and “Vision and Contemplation”. The Devotion section addresses votive practices, theological theory and polemic literature. The Art and Image Theory section focuses on Jesuit image theory, the reflexive dimension of works, and artists’ reflections on the function of images. Finally, the Vision and Contemplation section discusses the ‘early modern eye’ as a tool for thoughtful, prolonged looking to ascertain visual wit, deception, self-assessment and friendship, sacred and profane allegories.

Stijn Bussels is Professor of Art History, especially before 1800, and head of the Department of Art History at Leiden University.

Karl Enenkel is Professor of Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin at the University of Münster (Germany).

Elliott D. Wise is Associate Professor of Art History at Brigham Young University.

Michel Weemans is Professor of Art History at the University of Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne.


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Fiammetta Campagnoli (18 juin 2024). Parution : Michel Weemans, Stijn Bussels, Karl Enenkel et Elliott D. Wise, “Imago and Contemplatio in the Visual Arts and Literature (1400-1700)”, Leyde, Brill, 2024. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse

Fiammetta Campagnoli

Fiammetta Campagnoli est docteure en histoire de l'art moderne à l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Ses recherches se concentrent sur la perception et sur la réception de la spatialité de l’image mariale au XVe et au XVIe siècle.

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