Exposition : « Rembrandt and Love », Amsterdam, Museum Rembrandthuis, 1er juillet-16 septembre 2023
Rembrandt is known as a passionate man. But do you see that reflected in his etchings? In the summer exhibition Rembrandt and Love you’ll look at love through Rembrandt’s eyes: from dramatic love to parental love, from charity to love for animals. Of course, Rembrandt’s own love life will also be featured: the artist immortalized his first great love, Saskia Uylenburgh, on the etching plate more than once. Rembrandt and Love will show more than 50 etchings from the collection of The Rembrandt House Museum.
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Florence Larcher (11 septembre 2023). Exposition : « Rembrandt and Love », Amsterdam, Museum Rembrandthuis, 1er juillet-16 septembre 2023. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mp9z