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Appel à contribution : « The Image of the Stigmata », Falconara Marittima, Biblioteca francescana picena, 21-23 novembre 2024, date limite le 4 mai 2024

The Image of the Stigmata. Incarnation and representation of faith in figurative and textual culture.
21-23 November 2024, Biblioteca Francescana Picena “San Giacomo della Marca”, Falconara Marittima, AN.
Curated by di Monica Bocchetta, Caterina Paparello, Lorenzo Turchi

In the context of the VIII centenary of Saint Francis’s Stigmata a conference is promoted looking into the theme of the narration of stigmata in art and in written tradition, according to the advanced study of Chiara Frugoni and Alessio Monciatti, inter alia. The discussion is intended to examine the relation between the iconographic representations and the narrative tradition of hagiographic sources conveying the image of Stigmata through the centuries. The research horizon has multidisciplinary nature and stands as a common reflection about topics, approaches and methods of investigation; it could be divided into the sections below.

  • BETWEEN THE 13TH AND THE 15TH CENTURIES. Since first iconographies and angiographic transformations (Vita prima, Vita secunda Tractatus de miraculis, Leggenda dei Tre Compagni, Specchio di perfezione, Legenda maior, Fioretti etc.) the debating will be extended to the cultural dimension and to the reception of the images of Saint Francis with Stigmata, including the events of monumental celebration of the Stigmata between the Late Middle Ages and the Modern Age. A space for discussion will be reserved to the exegesis of the sermones as means of preaching between text and image.
  • MODERN AGE. This session is for the representation of the Stigmatization in images before and after the Counter-Reformation. The issue refers to different Franciscan orders (Conventuals, Observants, Capuchins, Reformed, etc.) and non-Franciscan ones (Dominicans, Augustinians, etc.), which developed their own interpretation and reading of the iconographic theme. Reflections in this regard will have visual arts as their focus and they may also concern the contribution offered by graphic art, including translation.
  • THE 19TH AND THE 20TH CENTURIES. The figure of Saint Francis was adopted as an identity value in the construction of the secular State, from the Risorgimento mythography to the Fascist period. The approach to the subject is addressed looking at the forms of collecting and museumization in the contemporary Age, following the complex dynamics of the international art market, the suppression of religious Corporations, and the establishment of civic museums.

Contributions from PHD candidates and junior researchers are welcome. The conference will cover part of the costs for the accommodation.

– abstract submission by May 4, 2024;
– deliver paper by February 28, 2025.

The proposals, up to a maximum of 1000 words and a curriculum vitae (maximum 500 words), will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee by June 2, 2024. The conference proceedings will follow a double-blind review process. Contacts and sending proposals:,

Mattia Biffis, Monica Bocchetta, Roberto Cobianchi, Patrizia Dragoni, Giovanni Maria Fara, Giovan Battista Fidanza, Luigi Gallo, Giovanni Giura, Roberto Lambertini, Ilaria Miarelli Mariani, Matteo Mazzalupi, Caterina Paparello, Letizia Pellegrini, Luca Pezzuto, Stefano Riccioni, Victor M. Schmidt, Lorenzo Turchi.


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Florence Larcher (8 avril 2024). Appel à contribution : « The Image of the Stigmata », Falconara Marittima, Biblioteca francescana picena, 21-23 novembre 2024, date limite le 4 mai 2024. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse

Florence Larcher

Florence Larcher est doctorante à l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Ses recherches sur les images de saint Roch en Italie de 1350 à 1680 l'amènent à étudier la peinture murale, la sérialité et l'itinérance des peintres.

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