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Parution : Karl A.E. Enenkel, Anita Traninger, « The Figure of the Nymph in Early Modern Culture », Brill, mars 2018.

Karl A.E. Enenkel, Anita Traninger, « The Figure of the Nymph in Early Modern Culture », Brill, mars 2018.


Throughout the early modern period, the nymph remained a powerful figure that inspired and informed the cultural imagination in many different ways. Far from being merely a symbol of the classical legacy, the nymph was invested with a surprisingly broad range of meanings. Working on the basis of these assumptions, and thus challenging Aby Warburg’s famous reflections on the nympha that both portrayed her as cultural archetype and reduced her to a marginal figure, the contributions in this volume seek to uncover the multifarious roles played by nymphs in literature, drama, music, the visual arts, garden architecture, and indeed intellectual culture tout court, and thereby explore the true significance of this well-known figure for the early modern age.

Contributors include : Barbara Baert, Mira Becker-Sawatzky, Agata Anna Chrzanowska, Karl Enenkel, Wolfgang Fuhrmann, Michaela Kaufmann, Andreas Keller, Eva-Bettina Krems, Damaris Leimgruber, Tobias Leuker, Christian Peters, Christoph Pieper, Bernd Roling, and Anita Traninger

Biographical note :

Karl Enenkel is Professor of Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin at the University of Münster. Previously he was Professor of Neo-Latin at the University of Leiden. He has published widely on international Humanism, early modern culture, paratexts, literary genres 1300-1600, Neo-Latin emblems, word and image relationships, and the history of scholarship and science.

Anita Traninger is Professor of Romance Literatures at Freie Universitat Berlin. Her areas of research include the history of rhetoric and dialectics, European literature and discourses of knowledge from the late Middle Ages to the nineteenth century, the history of gender and institutions, and the fact/fiction divide.

Readership : Literary History (Early Modern Period), Art History, Word-Image Relationships, History of Mythology and Religion, Humanism, Gender Studies.


Table of contents :

Notes on the Editors
Notes on the Contributors
List of Illustrations

1. Introduction: The Figure of the Nymph in Early Modern Culture,  Anita Traninger and Karl A.E. Enenkel

  • Part 1: Nymphs Between the Visual Arts and Literature

2. Pleasures of the Imagination: Narrating the Nymph, from Boccaccio to Lope De Vega, Anita Traninger
3. Salmacis, Hermaphrodite, and the Inversion of Gender: Allegorical Interpretations and Pictorial Representations of an Ovidian Myth, ca. 1300–1770, Karl Enenkel
4. The Sleeping Nymph Revisited: Ekphrasis, Genius Loci and Silence, Barbara Baert
5. ‘Who, Then, is the “Nympha”?’ An Iconographic Analysis of the Figure of the Maid in the Tornabuoni Frescoes, Agata Anna Chrzanowska

  • Part 2: Literary Representations

6. Lamenting, Dancing, Praising: The Multilayered Presence of Nymphs in Florentine Elegiac Poetry of the Quattrocento, Christoph Pieper
7. An Epiphanic Figure with the Power To Bind: Lia’s Role in Boccaccio’s Comedia delle ninfe fiorentineTobias Leuker
8. Renaissance Nymphs as Intermediaries in Early Modern German Territorial Politics, Andreas Keller
9. Discursive Sisters of the Arts, Raw Material of Inspiration: The Early Pegnitz Flower Society’s Nymphs, Damaris Leimgruber

  • Part 3: Garden Architecture

10. The Mediality of the Nymph in the Cultural Context of Pirro Visconti’s Villa at Lainate, Mira Becker-Sawatzky
11. Nymphs Bathing in the King’s Garden: La Granja de San Ildefonso and Caserta, Eva-Bettina Krems

  • Part 4: Music

12. Venez plorer ma desolation: Lamenting and Mourning Nymphs in Culture and Music Around 1500Wolfgang Fuhrmann
13. The Nymph’s Voice as an Acoustic Reflection of the Self, Michaela Kaufmann

  • Part 5: Aetiology and Antiquarianism

14. Founding Sisters: Nymphs and Aetiology in Humanist Latin Poetry, Christian Peters
15. Our White Ladies on the Graves: Historicisations of Nymphs in Early Modern AntiquarianismBernd Roling

Index Nominum




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Juliette Brack (13 février 2018). Parution : Karl A.E. Enenkel, Anita Traninger, « The Figure of the Nymph in Early Modern Culture », Brill, mars 2018. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

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