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Journée d’étude : « Violence, the body, and the city », University of Warwick, le 4 mai 2018

This workshop is part of The Body in the City, 1100-1800 project. The workshop is supported by the Department of History and the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance.



10.00 Registration and Coffee

10.30 Introduction. Jonathan Davies (University of Warwick)

10.45 First Session

Colin Rose (Brock University)
Bodies of Evidence: Suspicious Death and Homicide in Early Modern Bologna

Andrew Vidali (University of Trieste)
“Right hand, neck and limbs”: Capital Executions as Degradation Rituals in Early Modern Venice

11.45 Break

12.00 Second Session

Ann Haughton (University of Warwick)
The Body Flayed Bare in Early Modern Visual Culture

Ramón Barcena Colina (University of Cantabria)
The King’s Two Bodies and the Urban Environment in Seventeenth Century Spain

1.00 Lunch

2.00 Third Session

Martje aan de Kerk (University of Amsterdam)
Madness and Violence: Dealing with the Violent Mad in Amsterdam 1600-1800

Jean Morris (Nottingham Trent University)
A Radical Ecstasy: The Judaizing Female Body during the Spanish Inquisition

3.00 Break

3.15 Fourth Session

Iván Gracia Arnau (University of Barcelona)
Ritual Violence and Collective Identity during the Reapers’ Revolt (1640)

Dr Evaristo Martínez-Radío Garrido (University of Warwick)
Prisoners and Towns in the 18th Century. Another Conflict Space

4.15 Concluding Remarks. Christopher Read (University of Warwick)


To register, please email before Friday, 27 April.

Abstracts of the papers are available here.

Room 1, The Wolfson Exchange, The Library.


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Juliette Brack (18 avril 2018). Journée d’étude : « Violence, the body, and the city », University of Warwick, le 4 mai 2018. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse

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