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Conférence : Dionysos Bacchus Liber: from Mythology to Philosophy | Warburg Institute, 22 mars

From the 14th century onwards the European production, diffusion and consumption of wine increased dramatically. This phenomenon, in parallel with the resurgence of interest in Antiquity characteristic of the Renaissance, brought about a renewed production of images of the divinities of wine. This study day will address the various transformations of these divinities from Ancient to early modern times and their impact on early modern art and philosophy. It accompanies the public release of a digital library of texts and a collection of over 2500 electronic images on the subject of Dionysus, Bacchus and other divinities associated with wine held at the Warburg Institute Library and Photographic Collection.

Speakers will include: Guido Giglioni (Warburg Institute), Philippe Morel (Paris I, Institut Universitaire de France), François Quiviger and Claudia Wedepohl (Warburg Institute).
Organised by François Quiviger

Attendance to this event is free. Please register at: Warburg(at)


2.00 François Quiviger (Warburg Institute)
Welcome and Introduction
Bacchic sources in the Warburg Institute Library and Photographic collection

2.15 Philippe Morel (Paris I, Institut Universitaire de France)
La religion du vin et le débat eucharistique au palais Farnèse de Rome

3.00 Guido Giglioni (Warburg Institute)
Dionysus, sive Cupiditas; Cupido, sive Atomus: Francis Bacon and the Nature of Desire

3.45 Coffee

4.15 Claudia Wedepohl (Warburg Institute)
Warburg, Nietzsche and the Dionysian Pathos

5.00 Concluding discussion and reception

Source : Warburg Institute

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Elli Doulkaridou-Ramantani (19 mars 2013). Conférence : Dionysos Bacchus Liber: from Mythology to Philosophy | Warburg Institute, 22 mars. Collectif d'Historiens de l'Art de la Renaissance. Consulté le 22 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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