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Auteur : Camille Dugast

Exposition : « Versos. The Hidden Side », Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado, 7 novembre 2023-3 mars 2024

The B-side of the pictorial support, whether panel, fabric, metal or stone, is a private, intimate space. In the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance the functions of some types of paintings entailed their transport and handling, as a consequence of which they became three-dimensional and object-like, as seen in various examples in the exhibition. However, the vast majority of paintings produced at that date and particularly in subsequent periods were hung on the wall....

Exposition : « Raffael. Silk and Gold », Vienne, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 26 septembre 2023-14 janvier 2024

In the autumn of 2023, the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna showcases a medium that played a central role in the public celebrations of princely power and magnificence during the Renaissance : monumental tapestries. The most exquisite products fashioned from delicate silks and precious metal threads were produced in Brussels, including the series of tapestries depicting the story of the Apostles, commissioned by Pope Leo X (1475-1521) for the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The cartoons, which led...

Exposition : « The Lost Mirror. The image of Jews and Judaism in the Middle Ages », Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado, 10 octobre 2023-14 janvier 2024 

Spanish art of the Late Middle Ages (13th to 15th centuries) was the setting for a complex and multi-faceted construction of the image of Jewish people. Figurative strategies went far beyond mere stigmatisation or demonisation and also gave rise to positive images that reveal co-existence and cultural exchange. Rather than focusing on issues common to the rest of Europe, this exhibition is notable for presenting a series of works and pictorial programmes that are absolutely...

Conférence : Frank Fehrenbach, « Der Punkt und das Universum. Leonardos Imaginarien der Kraft », Eichstaett, Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt / en ligne, 6 juillet 2023

06.07.2023 Prof. Dr. Frank Fehrenbach, Hamburgum 18.30 Uhr an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt und per ZOOM Thema: Der Punkt und das Universum. Leonardos Imaginarien der Kraft Abstract: In einem Manuskripteintrag aus der Zeit um 1500 spekuliert Leonardo da Vinci über eine gigantische Kanone, welche die Erde als Projektil ans Ende der Planetensphären schießen könnte. Die Erzeugung superlativischer mechanischer Kräfte und die großräumliche technische Veränderung der Erdoberfläche beschäftigen Leonardo in denselben Jahren. Zugleich entwickeln sich seine...

Parution : Pierre de Ronsard, « Les quatre premiers livres de la Franciade (1572) », Genève, Droz, 2023

Restée inachevée, au terme d’une longue gestation, après la publication de ses quatre premiers livres et longtemps mal-aimée des ronsardisants, La Franciade est aujourd’hui perçue plus positivement, réévaluée sinon réhabilitée, comme l’atteste depuis une quarantaine d’années le nombre croissant d’études dont elle fait l’objet. On est loin de Sainte-Beuve qui n’en cita pas un seul vers. Non seulement elle recèle des richesses poétiques qui ne se rencontrent pas ailleurs, mais elle apparaît encore comme l’indispensable...

Exposition : « Naples à Paris. Le Louvre invite le musée de Capodimonte », Louvre, Paris, 7 juin 2023-janvier 2024

Réaffirmant l’importance des collaborations entre les institutions muséales européennes, le musée du Louvre a noué pour l’année 2023 un partenariat d’une envergure inédite avec le musée de Capodimonte. Ancienne résidence de chasse des souverains Bourbon, le palais (la Reggia en italien) abrite aujourd’hui l’un des plus grands musées d’Italie et l’une des plus importantes pinacothèques d’Europe, tant par le nombre que par la qualité exceptionnelle des œuvres conservées. Capodimonte est l’un des seuls musées de la péninsule...

Exposition : « Francisco de Herrera ‘the Younger’. The Absolute Baroque », Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado, 25 avril-30 juillet 2023

Francisco de Herrera “the Younger” is one of the most unique and innovative artists of the Spanish Baroque. Nonetheless, and despite his importance during his lifetime, he remains an under-appreciated and in many respects unknown painter. This exhibition, featuring works by the artist which have almost all been restored by the Museo del Prado in an unprecedented project, aims to draw attention to Herrera’s fundamental period in Italy, a time when he acquired his skills...

Exposition : « Muse or Maestra ? Women in the Italian Art World, 1400–1800 », Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett, 8 mars-4 juin 2023

Featuring some 90 works, the special exhibition organised by Berlin’s Kupferstichkabinett elucidates the lives and impact of women such as Rosalba Carriera, Artemisia Gentileschi, Elisabetta Sirani, Diana Scultori, Isabella d’Este, Christina, Queen of Sweden, and others. Their works, fates and enormous influence on the art world of their times have in part been forgotten today. During the Renaissance and Baroque periods, the art of these women outshone that of their fathers, brothers and husbands. They...

Exposition : « Dürer for Berlin. Looking for Traces of the Master in the Kupferstichkabinett », Berlin, Kulturforum, 12 mai-27 août 2023

The Kupferstichkabinett is home to one of the most important collections of drawings and printed works by Albrecht Dürer anywhere in the world. The masterpieces gathered together here give a striking demonstration of the breadth of his artistic production. With this exhibition, the Kupferstichkabinett is opening one of its greatest treasure chests. Alongside Dürer’s Meisterstich engravings and woodcut series (such as Apocalypseand Life of the Virgin), key drawings will be on display, such as Dürer’s...

Exposition : « Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Il busto di Urbano VIII », Rome, Gallerie Nazionali Barberini Corsini, 6 octobre 2022-30 juillet 2023

A partire da giovedì 6 ottobre 2022 le Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica ospiteranno il busto in bronzo di Urbano VIII eseguito da Gian Lorenzo Bernini nel 1658. L’opera si potrà ammirare presso Palazzo Barberini fino al 30 luglio 2023 nella Sala Sacchi, dedicata ai protagonisti della famiglia Barberini, con i ritratti dipinti e scolpiti di Urbano VIII e dei suoi nipoti realizzati da Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Giuliano Finelli, Carlo Maratti, Lorenzo Ottoni. Per la...