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Auteur : mariecollet

Parution : Margaret D. Carroll, “Hieronymus Bosch Time and Transformation in The Garden of Earthly Delights”, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2022

A new and exciting interpretation of Bosch’s masterpiece, repositioning the triptych as a history of humanity and the natural world Hieronymus Bosch’s (c. 1450–1516) Garden of Earthly Delights has elicited a sense of wonder for centuries. Over ten feet long and seven feet tall, it demands that we step back to take it in, while its surface, intricately covered with fantastical creatures in dazzling detail, draws us closer. In this highly original reassessment, Margaret D. Carroll reads...

Exposition : “Hans Hoffmann. A European artist of the Renaissance”, Nuremberg, German National Museum, du 12 mai au 8 août 2022

  Nuremberg citizen and European artist: Hans Hoffmann (ca. 1545/50 – 1591/92) is considered one of the leading lights of the “Duerer Renaissance”. His artistic reputation is based on his numerous copies of works by the old master. Imitation was not a practice he alone specialised in, however; rather, it was part of a European art phenomenon which reached its peak in around 1600. In comparing the work of Hoffmann with that of Duerer and...

Parution : Francesco Caglioti (ed), “Donatello: The Renaissance”, Venise, Marsilio, 2022

  A beautiful appraisal of the Renaissance sculptor’s achievements, contextualized with works by his contemporaries. The first thorough overview of the artist in many years, Donatello: The Renaissance reconstructs the outstanding career of one of the greatest sculptors in Western art. Famed for his incredibly sensual sculpture of David—the first freestanding nude male sculpture since antiquity—Donatello (c. 1386–1466) also made reliefs, but was best known for statues in the round. Accompanying a truly historic exhibition...

Parution : Abigail D. Newman, “Painting Flanders Abroad : Flemish Art and Artists in Seventeenth-Century Madrid”, Brill, Leyde, 2022

  In Painting Flanders Abroad: Flemish Art and Artists in Seventeenth-Century Madrid, Flemish immigrants and imported Flemish paintings cross the paths of Spanish kings, collectors, dealers, and artists in the Spanish court city, transforming the development and nature of seventeenth-century Spanish painting. Examining these Flemish transplants and the traces their interactions left in archival documents, collection inventories, art treatises, and most saliently Spanish “Golden Age” paintings, this book portrays Spanish society grappling with a long...

Parution : Inge Reist, “When Michelangelo Was Modern”, Brill, Leyde, 2022

Through case studies of collectors, patrons, and agents who redefined collecting and the art market, this volume illuminates how the changing status of the artist, rise of connoisseurship, role of intermediaries and new patterns of consumption established models for collecting and display that resemble those still practiced today. The book presents new research by recognized scholars who examine the motivations of collectors and agents, emphasizing how their collecting, patronage and advocacy could require support of...

Parution : Valentina Zucchi, “Palazzo Medici Riccardi”, Rome, Officina Libraria, 2022

    This book provides an insight into the history and beauty of Palazzo Medici Riccardi, one of the most important palaces in Florence. Through its pages it is possible to delve into the events that led to the birth of the building commissioned by Cosimo de’ Medici and designed by Michelozzo. The text is therefore a fascinating journey through settings, characters and historical periods, offering useful elements for understanding the history of a palace...

Exposition : “La Dama con lo Scoiattolo di Hans Holbein”, Rome, Palazzo Barberini, jusqu’au 31 juillet 2022

Le Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica annunciano un importante scambio: partita la Fornarina di Raffaello alla volta della National Gallery di Londra, per la mostra The Credit Suisse Exhibition: Raphael, a cura di Matthias Wivel, in programma dal 12 aprile al 31 luglio 2022, arriva dallo stesso museo la Dama con lo Scoiattolo, capolavoro di Hans Holbein. La dama con lo scoiattolo (Anne Lovell?), databile al 1526-1528, sarà affiancata nella Sala n.16 dedicata i ritratti...

Exposition : “Dai primitivi a Filippo Lippi. Il nuovo allestimento di Palazzo Barberini”, Rome, Palais Barberini, jusqu’au 30 juin 2023

Da venerdì 29 aprile 2022 le Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica riaprono le porte delle undici sale del piano terra di Palazzo Barberini, completamente rinnovate e riallestite. Con questo intervento, a cura di Flaminia Gennari Santori con Maurizia Cicconi e Michele Di Monte, e progetto allestitivo di Enrico Quell, si conclude, dopo tre anni, il complesso riallestimento della collezione permanente del museo. Le 50 opere del piano terra, dall’Alto Medioevo al primissimo Cinquecento, sono disposte...

Exposition : “Le Saint Jérôme de Léonard de Vinci. Un chef-d’œuvre inachevé”, Château du Clos Lucé, Amboise, du 10 juin au 20 septembre 2022

Le Clos Lucé présente pour la première fois, en partenariat avec les musées du Vatican, un tableau de Léonard de Vinci. Entre dessin et peinture, le Saint Jérôme suscite de multiples interrogations quant aux raisons pour lesquelles il ne fut jamais terminé, à sa datation, à ses commanditaires, à sa provenance. Pour certains spécialistes, Léonard n’aurait jamais cessé d’y revenir et s’y serait attaché. L’œuvre l’aurait accompagné tout au long de son existence. L’exposition intervient...

Parution : Barbara A. Kaminska, “Images of Miraculous Healing in the Early Modern Netherlands”, Leyde, Brill, 2021

Series :  Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, Volume: 58 Author : Barbara A. Kaminska Images of Miraculous Healing in the Early Modern Netherlands explores the ways in which paintings and prints of biblical miracles shaped viewers’ approaches to physical and sensory impairments and bolstered their belief in supernatural healing and charitable behavior. Drawing upon a vast range of sources, Barbara Kaminska demonstrates that visual imagery held a central place in premodern...