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Étiqueté : XIIIe siècle

Appel à contribution : « Duecento painting: The art and technique of Margarito d’Arezzo and his contemporaries », Arezzo, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Medievale e Moderna, 9-10 octobre 2025, date limite le 20 septembre 2024

This interdisciplinary conference invites collaboration between colleagues working on all aspects of Duecento painting, from art historical studies to scientific analysis, technical research and conservation. The conference aims to provide an exceptional opportunity to share and discuss works of art by Margarito d’Arezzo and his contemporaries in the region. The call is now open for conference paper submissions. Papers on a wide range of subjects will be considered, including works on panel, sculptures, wall paintings, textiles, and...

Séminaire : « Contesti Figurativi in Italia tra Europa e Mediterraneo », Bologne, Fondazione Federico Zeri, 15-17 mai 2024, date limite le 2 mai 2024

Il seminario intende rilanciare alcune importanti questioni legate allo studio del Duecento italiano, indagando il legame tra le produzioni figurative nella Penisola e la circolazione delle culture artistiche nel Mediterraneo. Le lezioni frontali si concentreranno su singole aree geografiche, ambiti di produzione e maestranze, con speciale attenzione al rapporto con Bisanzio e l’Oltremare crociato. Sono previsti sopralluoghi ai siti che, in Emilia, esemplificano meglio gli scambi artistici col Mediterraneo orientale, offrendo così la possibilità di dialogare...

Appel à contribution : « The Image of the Stigmata », Falconara Marittima, Biblioteca francescana picena, 21-23 novembre 2024, date limite le 4 mai 2024

The Image of the Stigmata. Incarnation and representation of faith in figurative and textual culture. 21-23 November 2024, Biblioteca Francescana Picena “San Giacomo della Marca”, Falconara Marittima, AN. Curated by di Monica Bocchetta, Caterina Paparello, Lorenzo Turchi In the context of the VIII centenary of Saint Francis’s Stigmata a conference is promoted looking into the theme of the narration of stigmata in art and in written tradition, according to the advanced study of Chiara Frugoni...

Appel à contribution : « Cimabue et la Toscane à la fin du XIIIe siècle », Technè, n°58, date limite le 10 janvier 2024

Depuis deux décennies, les études sur Cimabue ont été renouvelées par des découvertes spectaculaires, telle le petit panneau avec la Maestà aujourd’hui conservé à la National Gallery de Londres ou celui figurant la Dérision du Christ récemment acquis par le Musée du Louvre. Plusieurs œuvres majeures du peintre ont fait l’objet de restaurations de grande ampleur accompagnées d’études de laboratoire inédites, telles la Maestà de Santa Maria dei Servi à Bologne, la grande Maestà du...

Exposition : « The Lost Mirror. The image of Jews and Judaism in the Middle Ages », Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado, 10 octobre 2023-14 janvier 2024 

Spanish art of the Late Middle Ages (13th to 15th centuries) was the setting for a complex and multi-faceted construction of the image of Jewish people. Figurative strategies went far beyond mere stigmatisation or demonisation and also gave rise to positive images that reveal co-existence and cultural exchange. Rather than focusing on issues common to the rest of Europe, this exhibition is notable for presenting a series of works and pictorial programmes that are absolutely...

Conférence : « Genoa, Venice, and their colonies compared », Cracovie, The Bishop Erazm Ciołek Palace, National Museum Kraków/Lanckoroński Room, Collegium Iuridicum, Department of the History of Art of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, 1-2 avril 2023

Genoa, Venice, and their colonies compared, 13th to 16th century. People, Power, and Art. Comparisons between Genoa and Venice has been drawn, if at all, primarily from the perspective of the discipline of history. Both similarities and differences have been noted, but it has also been questioned whether a comparative approach is useful at all, positing the two sea powers as „incomparable”. However, the way in which Genoa and Venice established a system of colonies...

Colloque : « Inventing Past Narratives. Venice and the Adriatic Space (13th-15th centuries) », Brno, Centre for Early Medieval Studies, Hans Belting Library, 12-13 décembre 2022

This conference aims to explore the dialogue between Venice and the Adriatic area from a specific perspective: the construction of the past. We would like to create a dialogue between specialists from various disciplines and also examine the validity of interdisciplinary approaches at the intersection of different cultural fields: textual and visual, material, and historiographic. The chronological and geographical perspective chosen covers the late Middle Ages and the early modern age and focuses on the...

Parution : D. Ekserdjian, « The Italian Renaissance Altarpiece. Between Icon and Narrative », Yale University Press, 2021

The comprehensive study of the Italian Renaissance altarpiece from the 13th to the early 17th century The altarpiece is one of the most distinctive and remarkable art forms of the Renaissance period. It is difficult to imagine an artist of the time—whether painter or sculptor, major or minor—who did not produce at least one. Though many have been displaced or dismembered, a substantial proportion of these works still survive. Despite the volume of material available,...

Parution : Giulia Puma, « Les Nativités italiennes (1250-1450). Une histoire d’adoration », École française de Rome, 2019

Cet ouvrage, situé à la croisée de l’histoire des images et de l’histoire religieuse, est fondé sur la constitution d’une série longue, allant de 1250 à 1450, et couvrant les régions centrales de la péninsule italienne, des scènes peintes, à fresque et sur retable, représentant la Nativité du Christ. La série est traitée aussi bien pour les possibilités quantitatives qu’elle offre que pour les études de cas ou de groupes d’images qu’elle permet d’identifier. La...

Exposition : « La collection Alana. Chefs-d’oeuvre de la peinture italienne », Paris – Musée Jacquemart-André, du 13 septembre 2019 au 20 janvier 2020

À la rentrée 2019, le Musée Jacquemart-André met à l’honneur la Collection Alana, l’une des plus précieuses et secrètes collections privées d’art de la Renaissance italienne au monde, actuellement conservée aux Etats-Unis. En écho à son exceptionnelle collection d’art italien, le Musée Jacquemart André présente plus de 75 chefs-d’œuvre des plus grands maitres italiens comme Lorenzo Monaco, Fra Angelico, Uccello, Lippi, Bellini, Carpaccio, Le Tintoret, Véronèse, Bronzino ou Gentileschi. Cette exposition offre l’occasion unique d’admirer...