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Étiqueté : appel à communication

Appel à communication: “Displaying Art in the Early Modern Period (1450-1750): Exhibiting Practices and Exhibition Spaces”, Session at AAH 2021, Birmingham, 14-16 Apr 2021, date limite le 19 octobre 2020

We invite paper proposals for our session at the Association for Art History’s 47th Annual Conference: “Displaying Art in the Early Modern Period (1450 1750): Exhibiting Practices and Exhibition Space” University of Birmingham, 14-17 April 2021 Deadline: 19 Oct 2020 Over the years, despite the increased interest in spatial issues and some iconic studies (Luckhurst, Haskell, Koch), little attention has been paid to the long-term history of the exhibition space and exhibition-making practices. Before the appearance...

Appel à communication : Michelangelo (im)materiale, Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, 12 novembre 2020, date limite le 5 juin 2020

Michelangelo (im)materiale: per una storiografia visiva della scultura tra riproduzione e indagine storico-critica A cura di Giulia Daniele e Daniele Di Cola VI Convegno Internazionale (Post-Doc) del Rome Art History Network (RAHN), Roma – Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, 12 novembre 2020 Scadenza per l’invio delle proposte: 5 giugno 2020 Reproducing, representing, copying, or recording an artwork is the inevitable result of an interpretation, which can reveal some neglected aspects of the original model, as...

Appel à communication : Journée d’études de l’AHAI, « Actualité de la recherche en histoire de l’art italien », Paris, INHA, 18 juin 2020, date limite le 5 mars 2020

L’Association des historiens de l’art italien (AHAI) organise une journée d’études consacrée à la présentation de travaux universitaires liés à l’art italien, du Moyen-Âge à nos jours. Cette initiative permet à de jeunes chercheurs de faire connaître leurs travaux, qu’il s’agisse de thèses récemment soutenues ou en voie d’achèvement. Les communications présentées pourront faire l’objet d’une publication dans la revue de l’AHAI, ArtItalies. Cette rencontre aura lieu à Paris (INHA), le jeudi 18 juin 2020....

Appel à communication : “Raphael in the Academies of Art”, Rome, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Palazzo Carpegna, octobre 2020, date limite le 10 octobre 2019

As part of the celebrations marking the fifth centenary of the death of Raphael, the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca will be organising an exhibition entitled L’Accademia di San Luca e il mito dell’Urbinate [The Accademia di San Luca and the Myth of the Artist from Urbino], with works from the Academy’s own collection and important loans illustrating the role that the Academy itself played in constructing and endorsing the myth of Raphael in Rome...

Appel à communication : “Early Modern Rome “, Rome, University of California in Rome—UCEAP Rome, 15–17 octobre 2020, date limite le 15 septembre 2019

Early modern Rome was contradictory and complex; its vernacular and high culture animated and rich. From Petrarch’s crowning as Poet Laureate on the Capitoline in 1341 to the pontificate of Alexander VII Chigi in 1667, this conference aims to bring together scholars from a range of disciplines to investigate the city proper as well as the campagna romana through a variety of different approaches and methods. The resounding response to previous Early Modern Rome conferences...

Appel à communication : Giulio Romano, pittore, architetto, artista universale, studi e ricerche, Mantoue et Rome, 14-18 octobre 2019, date limite le 9 septembre 2019

Giulio Pippi (1492 o 1499-1546), universalmente noto come Giulio Romano, per la sua origine, rappresenta un caso unico nella scena artistica del Rinascimento. Nato nella città dei papi, la sua fortuna, già al tempo della formazione da allievo di Raffaello, si consolidò nell’Urbe grazie alle commissioni che portarono alla realizzazione di edifici quali la villa Turini-Lante sul Gianicolo, il palazzo Stati Maccarani a Sant’Eustachio e, in parte, il palazzo Adimari-Salviati alla Lungara, per raggiungere l’apice...

Appel à communication : « From Prints to Paintings in 15th-C Northern Italy » — RSA (Chicago, 30 mars-1er avril 2017)

DATE ET LIEU DU COLLOQUE: 30 MARS-1ER AVRIL 2017, CHICAGO, CONGRÈS DE LA RSA Session du Congrès de la Renaissance Society of America (RSA, 2017). This session considers the impact of prints on fifteenth-century Northern Italian painting. Topics may include, but are not limited to: · The use of prints as substitutes for workshop drawings · The transmission of Northern European visual culture via prints · The role of prints in the regional dissemination of artistic...

Appel à communication – 6e édition du Festival de l’histoire de l’art “le Rire”

DATE DE REMISE DES TEXTES : 22 NOVEMBRE 2015 Le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art et le château de Fontainebleau s’associent, avec le concours du ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, pour proposer la 6e édition du Festival de l’histoire de l’art. Conçues comme un carrefour des publics et des savoirs, ces trois journées offrent conférences, débats, concerts, expositions, projections, lectures et rencontres dans le...