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Étiqueté : architecture

Appel à contribution : « L’architettura e l’universo femminile nel Rinascimento », Vicence, Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio, 21-23 mars 2025, date limite le 30 septembre 2024

Ancora oggi, sebbene la maggior parte degli studiosi di architettura siano donne, il mondo dell’architettura continua ad essere dominato dagli uomini. Se si guarda all’Italia della prima età moderna, il ruolo, lo spazio e la posizione delle donne sono ancora più difficili da comprendere. Gli studi recenti hanno in parte rimediato a questo squilibrio, ma ciò si è verificato a più ampio raggio nel campo della storia dell’arte rispetto a quello dell’architettura. Questo seminario vuole...

Appel à contribution : « The Architecture of the Cassinese Congregation, 15th-18th Centuries », Padoue/Vicence, 30 janvier-1er février 2025, date limite le 31 août 2024

The University of Padua (ICEA Department), in collaboration with the Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura “Andrea Palladio”/Palladio Museum and the Abbey of Santa Giustina in Padua, is organising a conference dedicated to the architecture of the Cassinese Benedictine Congregation that will be held in Padua and Vicenza on January 30-31 and February 1, 2025. The conference is part of the PRIN 2022 research project “CoenoBIuM. Art and Architecture of the Cassinese Benedictine Congregation (XV-XVIII...

Appel à contribution : « Defend Sacred Spaces in the Medieval Mediterranean », Isola di Lipari, Parco Archeologico Luigi Bernabò Brea, 3-5 octobre 2024, date limite le 16 juin 2024

Starting from the end of the 9th century, important events including the disintegration of the Carolingian empire and the advance of populations from northern and eastern Europe and the Arab world triggered a phase of insecurity and political instability. The Mediterranean, a place of meetings and exchanges between culturally and geographically distant populations, was particularly affected by these events. In a climate full of tension, threatened by internal conflicts and the advance of non-Christian populations,...

Appel à contribution : « L’histoire de l’architecture et les défis de l’interdisciplinarité », Opus incertum, n° 11, date limite le 30 mai 2024

Sous la direction de Nadja Aksamija, Antonio Brucculeri et Denis Ribouillault La revue annuelle Opus Incertum consacre son numéro 2025 à l’histoire de l’architecture et aux défis de l’interdisciplinarité. Il est presque impossible aujourd’hui de définir la discipline de l’histoire de l’architecture en termes simples. Le domaine est devenu pluriel et fragmenté, marqué par la multi, la trans, l’inter et même l’anti-disciplinarité (Mowitt, 1997). L’adoption de diverses méthodes issues des sciences humaines et sociales et...

Journée d’étude : « Islamic Landscape Architecture and the Renaissance Garden », Madrid, DAI, 21 mars 2024

Die 3. Veranstaltung in der Reihe „Diskussionen zur Architektur in der Archäologie“ widmet sich der Frage nach den islamischen Wurzeln der europäischen Landschaftsarchitektur. Immer wieder sind Ähnlichkeiten zwischen der Gestaltung islamischer und Renaissancegärten beobachtet worden, von der Terrassierung und der Wertschätzung des Blicks bis zum Einsatz von Wasser als Gestaltungsmittel. In dem gemeinsam mit der École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris) und der Escuela de Estudios Árabes (CSIC) organisierten Workshop soll der Frage nachgegangen werden,...

Appel à contribution : « The Lessons of Rome », Lyon, Musée des beaux-arts, 15 mars 2024, date limite le 16 février 2024

The Lessons of Rome (7th edition). The Lessons of Rome aim to propose a space for reflection for anyone who grasps Italy as an architectural, urban, and landscape research laboratory. Defining Italy as a laboratory involves analyzing contexts of urban policies but also as design experiences, theories, practices, legacies, mutations, and prospects. It means building knowledge and culture, learning and developing tools to conceive the present and to enrich contemporary practices. The Lessons of Rome provide...

Parution : Jennifer Ferng et Lauren Jacobi (eds), “Land Air Sea Architecture and Environment in the Early Modern Era”, Leyde, Brill, 2023

Land Air Sea: Architecture and Environment in the Early Modern Era posits that the long Renaissance and eighteenth century are vital for understanding how ideological concerns, present in current debates on climate change and sustainability, were already developed in earlier centuries. Astronomy, fortifications, naval vessels, ports, and even nails played a significant role in shaping the built environment of early modern historical figures. This book transforms our modernist understanding of precisely what buildings are and...

Parution : Lex Bosman (ed.), “The Creation of Space and the Connection between Models and Drawings as Design Tools”, Turnhout, Brepols, 2023

The essays in this volume address the problem of three dimensions in architecture and the ways architects in the 16th century (and before and after) solved this problem during the design process. Two-dimensional drawings were used as the most helpful element in the design process, as well as for the presentation of designs. Those involved, not only patrons but also construction workers, should be able to understand what a two-dimensional design would turn out to...

Journée d’étude : « ‘e caminando alla perfezzione’: Pellegrino Tibaldi Pittore e Architetto tra Roma, Pavia, Madrid », Pavie, Collegio Borromeo, 8-9 novembre 2023

Mercoledì 8 novembre 2023, Aula Goldoniana del Collegio Ghislieri, Piazza Collegio Ghislieri 5. Ore 15,00-17,00 L’esperienza di Pellegrino pittore Ore 15,00 Introduce Gianpaolo Angelini (Università di Pavia) 15,30 Giulia Daniele (Scuola Normale Superiore): La prima attività di Pellegrino pittore: Roma, Bologna, Ancona e il rapporto con Prospero Fontana 16,00 Camilla Colzani (Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”): Pellegrino Tibaldi attraverso i disegni. Roma, Bologna, le Marche 16,30 Valentina Balzarotti (Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la...

Journées d’étude : « The Allure of Rome: Studying Ancient Architecture 1500 – 1550 », Rome, The British School/en ligne, 26-27 octobre 2023

The buildings of antiquity, especially those in Rome, were of fundamental interest to Renaissance architects over the course of the first half of the sixteenth century. During a very few decades, numerous works were surveyed and recorded, often for the first time, and in ever more exacting detail and with ever greater sophistication, among them Rome’s Colosseum and Pantheon and very many other prominent monuments. This great achievement not only provided a touchstone for contemporary...