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Étiqueté : Art d’Europe du nord

Exposition : « Frans Hals », Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, 16 février-9 juin 2024

ON VIEW IN AMSTERDAM FOR THE FIRST TIME A selection of around fifty key works has been made from Frans Hals’ extensive oeuvre. These include works from the Rijksmuseum’s own collection – The Merry Drinker, Portrait of a Couple – and a number of special loans, for which we are extremely grateful. These include The Laughing Cavalier from the Wallace Collection in London, a work that normally never travels, as well as Catharina Hooft with...

Conférence : Alexander Marr, « Three Renaissance Grotesques: Holbein, Dürer, Massys  », Oxford, University of Oxford, 27 septembre 2023

Magdalen College, University of Oxford Grove Auditorium (entry via Longwall Street) 27 September 2023, 5pm  The Renaissance grotesque is normally thought of as an ornamental art of the margins: fantastical rather than natural, supplementary instead of central. But what if we were to approach a core subject in the rise of naturalism, the Northern Renaissance portrait, on grotesque terms? This lecture will re-assess three well-known portraits—Hans Holbein the Younger’s Derich Born, Albrecht Dürer’s St Jerome in his...

Conférence : Stephan Kemperdick, « Hugo van der Goes and Pictorial Logic », Florence, Palazzo Grifoni Budini Gattai, 1er décembre 2022

Hugo van der Goes is certainly the most important Netherlandish artist of the second half of the 15th century, whose works were coveted by members of the court as well as by the civic elite, ranging from Archduke Maximilian of Austria to the rich Florentine merchant Tomaso Portinari. His inventions and re-formulations of standard themes of Christian iconography became a source of inspiration for generations of artists. Starting in 1467, Hugo worked as a master...

Parution : Léonie Marquaille (dir.), « New Perspectives on Abraham Bloemaert and his Workshop », Turnhout, Brepols, 2022

The essays collected in this volume are devoted to the Utrecht painter Abraham Bloemaert. The artist has received considerable scholarly attention following the publication of the catalogue raisonné of his paintings and, more recently, of his drawings, particularly in connection with the major exhibition The Bloemaert Effect (2012, Utrecht & Schwerin). This publication examines Abraham Bloemaert as a universal artist while it also aims to better understand his contribution towards the development of new iconographic...

Exposition : « The Renaissance in the North: New Prints and Perspectives », Washington, National Gallery of Art, 3 juillet-27 novembre 2022

The region of northern Europe today known as Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands experienced momentous social, political, and artistic transformation from 1450 through the early 1600s, a time now called the Northern Renaissance. Rare prints by Albrecht Dürer, Hendrick Goltzius, and other influential artists are shown alongside engravings, etchings, and woodcuts by other highly talented but less familiar figures, such as Erhard Schön and Jan Sadeler I. This visual feast of works recently added...

Exposition : “La Dama con lo Scoiattolo di Hans Holbein”, Rome, Palazzo Barberini, jusqu’au 31 juillet 2022

Le Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica annunciano un importante scambio: partita la Fornarina di Raffaello alla volta della National Gallery di Londra, per la mostra The Credit Suisse Exhibition: Raphael, a cura di Matthias Wivel, in programma dal 12 aprile al 31 luglio 2022, arriva dallo stesso museo la Dama con lo Scoiattolo, capolavoro di Hans Holbein. La dama con lo scoiattolo (Anne Lovell?), databile al 1526-1528, sarà affiancata nella Sala n.16 dedicata i ritratti...

Parution : André Verstandig, “Pieter Bruegel – Le Massacre des Innocents”, Bruxelles, SAMSA, 2022

Essai. L’oeuvre de Pieter Bruegel l’Ancien s’inscrit dans son époque, la Renaissance, le « Rinascimento», imaginé dès 1568 par l’italien Giorgio Vasari, on redécouvre à travers toute l’Europe occidentale, les arts, les sciences et, surtout, la littérature. Quelques souverains emblématiques : Charles Quint, François Ier, Henri VIII, Philippe II, ou Soliman le magnifique; et des condottieres comme Andrea Doria, Don Juan d’Autriche, le duc d’Albe, Hernán Cortez, ou Fransisco Pizarro, sont les acteurs des principaux...

Parution : André Scala, “Pieter de Hooch. Un peintre à l’infinitif – Un peintre à l’infinitif”, Strasbourg, ATELIER CONT, 2022

Pieter de Hooch (1629-1684(? )), un parmi tant d’autres peintres du siècle d’or néerlandais, qui ont surgi, avec leur manière d’apparence tranquille, d’un peuple se libérant des Espagnols, menant guerre sur guerre ? : événement calme au milieu des turbulences. Les arts ont une existence fragile. Il dépend des caprices d’une époque qu’elle transforme les oeuvres dont elle hérite en objets de culture, en reportages sur les moeurs du passé, en manifestes d’une morale, en...

Colloque : « Netherlandish Carved Altarpieces: An International Conference », en ligne, 12-14 mai 2022

Netherlandish Carved Altarpieces: An International Conference Center for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, University of Toronto Illuminare – Center for Medieval and Renaissance Art, KU Leuven   Programme   Organizers : Ethan Matt Kavaler (University of Toronto), Julie Beckers (KU Leuven), Hannah De Moor (Illuminare, KU Leuven). Speakers : Ragnhild Bø (National Museum of Art, Architecture, and Design, Oslo), Katherine Boivin (Bard College), Hannah De Moor (Illuminare, KU Leuven), Anna Dlabačová (Leiden University), Lynn Jacobs (University of Arkansas), Nicola Jennings (Courtauld Institute), Jacqueline Jung (Yale University), Elizabeth Rice Mattison (Hood Museum, Dartmouth College), Kathryn Rudy (University...

Exposition : « Between Hell and Paradise: The Enigmatic World of Hieronymus Bosch », Budapest, Museum of Fine Arts, du 9 avril au 17 juillet 2022

The exhibition of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, opening on 9 April showcases the art of the Netherlandish master, Hieronymus Bosch (ca. 1450 – 1516), who produced one of the most influential and emblematic artistic achievements in European painting. The Budapest show, with close to ninety works on view, is not only anticipated to become the most comprehensive exhibition of Bosch’s works in Central Europe ever, but also one of the most significant Bosch...