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Étiqueté : Art et religion

Appel à contribution : « Saints in Crisis. Emotional Responses to Sanctity in the Middle Ages », Leeds, University of Leeds, 1-4 juillet 2024, date limite le 12 septembre 2023

They were frightened and they hit in great pain their heads and hearts- How do people react when they encounter the sanctity of saints? How do they feel? Are they in crisis – crisis for whom? Does crisis change individuals? The proposed session focuses on the emotional responses of individuals/communities in relation to sanctity. Suggested topics on the emotional reactions of individuals/communities, from any geographic area or time period (between 300-1500), may include, but are not limited to:...

Exposition : « Renaissance Masterpieces of Judaica: The Mishneh Torah and The Rothschild Mahzor », New York, The Met Fifth Avenue, 16 mars 2023 jusque *sans date de fin annoncée à ce jour

The Jewish communities of northern Italy were active participants in the extraordinary flourishing of arts and culture that define the Renaissance. This installation of two rare and sumptuous Hebrew manuscripts explores the fascinating cross-cultural interaction between those Jewish communities and their Christian and humanist surroundings in the fifteenth century. A Jewish scribe and Christian artist working in tandem produced these monumental works of art that bear witness to the prosperity, power, and discernment of the...

Appel à contribution : « Performing Theatricality and Imaging Religious Ceremonies in Early Modern Western Europe », Gand, Ghent University, 15-17 mars 2024, date limite le 2 octobre 2023

2023 marks the 300th anniversary of the publication of the early eighteenth-century book series Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde, a work on all the world’s religions known to Europe at that time and originally published in seven volumes between 1723 and 1737 in Amsterdam. Edited by the exiled French Huguenot Jean Frederic Bernard, the original seven volumes of the Cérémonies knew a vast distribution across European readers in the Netherlands,...

Colloque : « ‘Heureux ceux qui croient sans avoir vu’. Pouvoirs et limites, les paradoxes du sensible dans l’appréhension chrétienne du divin entre les XVe et XVIIe siècles », Paris, INHA, 14-15 juin 2023

Sentir Dieu ; percevoir l’Éternel par les sens. Un paradoxe qui fut le lieu d’un intense investissement aussi bien intellectuel que matériel. Parce que Dieu se rendit un jour présent en se faisant chair avant de mourir sur la croix pour ensuite ressusciter et enfin se retirer du monde, l’humain n’aura de cesse de le chercher. L’alternance entre expérience et témoignage, mise en doute et preuve, structure le paradoxe de l’économie chrétienne dont l’épisode de...

Conférence : Aaron M. Hyman, « “Así repiten aún las piedras”. Juan de Roelas, Seville of 1615, and the City as Substrate », Londres, The Courtauld, 25 mai 2023

Thursday 25th May 2023, 6pm – 7.30pm BST. Lecture Theatre 1 Vernon Square. Free, booking essential. This is an in person event at our Vernon Square campus. Booking will close 30 minutes before the event begins. In 1615, Seville erupted with fervent debates about the question of the Virgin’s Immaculacy. Clergymen hoping to sway the hearts and minds of both everyday supplicants and the religious powers that be took to the streets. The main mode by...

Journées d’étude : « Sacred Drama. Art, Devotion and Performance », en ligne et sur place, St Andrews, University of St Andrews, 11-12 mai 2023

This interdisciplinary conference will bring together scholars from nine countries, from fields including history, art history, architectural history, theatre history, music, theology/religious studies, and literature, with two main objectives: The first is to consider an inclusive definition of ‘sacred drama’ that refers not only to religious theatre, as traditionally understood, but includes rituals and various forms of devotional practice, as well as engagement with sacred images, objects and spaces. What are the elements of this...

Appel à contribution : « On the Rhetoric of Images and Power », Venise, Ca’ Foscari Zattere, 4-6 octobre 2023, date limite le 14 mai 2023

Art is a powerful and non-neutral tool. Its forms and expressions can influence, entertain, educate, and manipulate the realm of the real. Throughout history, the artists’ creative power was able to give form, substance, and meaning to otherwise inert matter, making them a demiurge. Images, however, once they have taken on their final form and are put into circulation, undertake a life of their own. Images can direct the spectator’s interest toward their own content. The more...

Parution : Vladimir Ivanovici, Alice Isabella Sullivan (dir.), « Natural Light in Medieval Churches », Leyde, Brill, 2022

Inside Christian churches, natural light has long been harnessed to underscore theological, symbolic, and ideological statements. In this volume, twenty-four international scholars with various specialties explore how the study of sunlight can reveal essential aspects of the design, decoration, and function of medieval sacred spaces. Themes covered include the interaction between patrons, advisors, architects, and artists, as well as local negotiations among competing traditions that yielded new visual and spatial constructs for which natural light...

Appel à communication : « Frontiers, Borders and Borderlands in the Early Global World », UCLA, date limite le 10 avril 2023

The officers of MEMSA are pleased to announce this year’s conference, “Frontiers, Borders, & Borderlands in the Early Global World.” The conference will be held in the Humanities Seminar Room, 306 Royce Hall, on June 2, 2023. It will be a hybrid event and possible to join in person or via zoom. MEMSA invites submissions from graduate students in any discipline of medieval and early modern studies, at UCLA and beyond. Abstracts of 250 words...

Conférence : Nicholas Flory, « ‘perpetual food for our souls’. The Carthusians at the Cartuja de Miraflores », Londres, The Courtauld, 8 mars 2023

Wednesday 8th March 2023, 5pm – 6.30pm GMT. Free, booking essential. Lecture Theatre 1 Vernon Square. This is an in person event at our Vernon Square campus. Booking will close 30 minutes before the event start time. The Cartuja de Miraflores, founded in 1442, represents one of the most splendid and richly furnished surviving medieval charterhouses, ornamented chiefly by the magnificent tomb of Juan II of Castile and his second wife Isabelle of Portugal and the...