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Étiqueté : art et théologie

Appel à contribution : « Religion, Ancestry, and Identity. On the Relationship between Theology, Genealogy, and Heraldry in the Early Modern Period », Hambourg, Warburg-Haus, 3-4 avril 2025, date limite le 13 décembre 2024

In early modernity, genealogy was a topic of major religious and theological relevance. During the Reformation, genealogical thinking helped to shape new confessional identities, significantly influencing perceptions of family and kinship. References to ancestry served to illustrate religious continuities and the transmission of the ‘true’ faith across generations. Thus, genealogy not only contributed to establishing religious authority, but also shaped confessional identities and served as a tool for resolving theological issues. This interdisciplinary conference proposes...

Parution : Yelena Mazour-Matusevich, « Le père du siècle: The Early Modern Reception of Jean Gerson (1363-1429). Theological Authority between Middle Ages and Early Modern Era », Turnhout, Brepols, 2023

This volume provides the first wide-ranging investigation of the post-fifteenth-century reception of Jean Gerson (1363–1429), chancellor of the University of Paris, guiding light of the Council of Constance, and arguably the most influential of late medieval theologians. His impact on early modern movements and thinkers paved the way for many developments still shaping our existence today. Besides his well-known influence in theology and church history, the chancellor left a significant impact in jurisprudence, human rights, art, music, education,...

Parution : Vladimir Ivanovici, Alice Isabella Sullivan (dir.), « Natural Light in Medieval Churches », Leyde, Brill, 2022

Inside Christian churches, natural light has long been harnessed to underscore theological, symbolic, and ideological statements. In this volume, twenty-four international scholars with various specialties explore how the study of sunlight can reveal essential aspects of the design, decoration, and function of medieval sacred spaces. Themes covered include the interaction between patrons, advisors, architects, and artists, as well as local negotiations among competing traditions that yielded new visual and spatial constructs for which natural light...

Séminaire : « Expérience. Théologie et image entre Moyen Âge et Époque moderne », Paris, Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, janvier-mai 2023

Afin de tisser des liens entre Histoire de l’art, Théologie et Histoire religieuse, chaque séance de ce cycle de conférences accueillera deux intervenants d’horizons disciplinaires et méthodologiques différents, qui s’exprimeront chacun pendant quarante minutes avant une discussion finale avec l’assemblée. Cette collaboration résulte d’un hiatus méthodologique constaté entre Histoire de l’art médiéval et Histoire de l’art moderne dans l’appréhension des rapports entre l’art et la théorie religieuse. De fait, en 2005, Jean-Michel Leniaud faisait le...

Parution : C. Strine, M. Mclnroy, A. Torrance, « Image as Theology. The Power of Art in Shaping Christian Thought, Devotion, and Imagination », Turnhout, Brepols, 2022

Our lives are saturated with images. They exert an unparalleled power in contemporary culture. However, the power of images is in fact nothing new. Although texts are often the most important historical sources for academics, the image played an enormous role for those who actually lived in these past societies. Images communicated all manner of concepts and messages to a much wider audience than theological texts. Throughout history, images frequently depicted God, human beings, and...

Colloque : « Aural Architectures of the Divine », En ligne et à Florence, 24-26 février 2022

Aural Architectures of the Divine. Sacred Spaces, Sound and Rites in Transcultural Perspectives. International and Interdisciplinary Conference [Hybrid]. Florence, 24–26 February 2022 [on site and virtually]. Research Project “CANTORIA – Music and Sacred Architecture” (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) | Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo (SAGAS) Conference Venues: Biblioteca Umanistica dell’Università di Firenze Sala Comparetti Piazza Brunelleschi, 4 I-50121 Florence Basilica di San Lorenzo Piazza di San Lorenzo,...

Parution : Chiara Franceschini (dir.), « Sacred Images and Normativity: Contested Forms in Early Modern Art », Turnhout, Brepols, 2020

Early modern objects, images and artworks were often nodes of discussion and contestation. If images were sometimes contested by external and often competing agencies (religious and secular authorities, image theoreticians, various Inquisitions, etc.), artists and objects were just as likely to impose their own rules and standards through the continuation and/or contestation of established visual traditions, styles, iconographies, materialities, reproductions, and reframings. While issues such as censorship and iconoclasm have already received much attention from...

Parution : « Créer. Créateurs, créations, créatures au Moyen Âge », Sorbonne Université Presses, 2019

« Dieu dit : “que la lumière soit”, et la lumière fut ». La cosmogonie chrétienne pose en son cœur le Verbe divin. Cette Création qui ouvre la Bible et l’histoire fascine en profondeur l’homme médiéval, pour qui créer revient toujours à rejouer, imiter ou questionner le geste divin. Il s’agit toujours de faire la lumière dans un univers livré au chaos et à la faute : créer, c’est au moins autant façonner du neuf...

Appel à contribution : « The Reformation, Migration, and Exile », Cambridge, Westminster College, 31 mars-2 avril 2020, date limite le 10 janvier 2020

The 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Reformation Studies 31 March–2 April 2020 Westminster College, Cambridge Themes of migration and exile are written deep into the Judaeo-Christian tradition. The Pentateuch tells the story of the migration of the Patriarchs to the Promised Land of Canaan, of the exodus and wilderness wanderings. The Babylonian Exile of the sixth century BC and the promise of return shapes the later literature of the Old Testament, while the...

Parution : C. Reddaway, « Strangeness and Recognition: Mystery and Familiarity in Renaissance Paintings of Christ », Brepols, 2019

“A transformative new work of scholarship: beautifully written and intellectually challenging, this book has made me think again about pictures I thought I knew well.” (Caroline Campbell, The Jacob Rothschild Head of the Curatorial Department, The National Gallery, London) How do you paint a figure who is fully human and fully divine? How do you paint Christ? Strangeness and Recognition takes a fresh look at well-known Renaissance paintings of Christ and shows how surprising and...