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Étiqueté : art italien

Conférence : Roberta Serra, « Dessins bolonais du XVIe siècle dans les collections du Louvre », Paris, Musée du Louvre, le 29 septembre 2022 à 12h30

Par Roberta Serra, musée du Louvre Exposition : 22 septembre 2022 – 16 janvier 2023 Rotonde Sully nord Cette exposition accompagne la parution de l’Inventaire général des dessins italiens, tome XII. Dessins bolonais du XVIe siècle. Elle présente des dessins exécutés par des artistes natifs de la ville de Bologne, ou bolonais d’adoption, actifs avant l’arrivée des Carrache. Une sélection de quarante-quatre feuilles permet de découvrir l’évolution du dessin bolonais tout au long du 16e siècle en mettant en valeur...

Appel à contribution : revue ArtItalies, n° 29, 2023, date limite le 6 novembre 2022

L’Association des historiens de l’art italien (AHAI) a été créée en 1993 par une équipe de scientifiques désireux de communiquer et de partager avec un large public leurs recherches sur l’histoire de l’art italien. Depuis sa création, l’AHAI s’est dotée d’une publication à parution annuelle, ArtItalies. Cette revue se propose de participer activement et durablement à la diffusion et à la promotion des études les plus récentes sur l’art italien de l’époque médiévale à nos...

Parution : Gail Elizabeth Solberg, « Taddeo di Bartolo. Siena’s Painter in the Early Quattrocento », Turnhout, Brepols, 2022

Taddeo di Bartolo, Siena’s premier painter in the years around 1400, is the focus of a cultural history of a great Italian school in an understudied period. His patrons commissioned important fresco cycles and the most impressive polyptychs of the age. In part a travelogue, the text follows Taddeo (ca 1362-1422) from training in straitened times at Siena across central and northern Italy. Ten years of itinerancy drew him to various Tuscan centers, along the...

Parution : Paolo Galluzzi, Alessandro Nova (dir.), « Decoding Leonardo’s Codices. Compilation, Dispersal, and Reproduction Technologies », Venise, Marsilio Editori, 2022

This book contains the essay of an international conference organized by the Kunsthistorisches Institut and the Museo Galileo, which was held at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence in 2019. Its aim was to investigate how Leonardo’s manuscripts were compiled, their dispersal after the artist’s death, and the pioneering initiatives for facsimile reproduction and text transcription, beginning in the last decades of the nineteenth century. These enterprises were based on the rapid evolution of printing techniques...

Parution : Donal Cooper, Beth Williamson (dir.), « Late Medieval Italian Art and its Contexts. Essays in Honour of Professor Joanna Cannon », Suffolk, Boydell & Brewer, 2022

Former doctoral students come together to write essays in tribute to their supervisor, Joanna Cannon, whose scholarship and teaching have helped shape the historical study of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Italian art. The essays collected here form a tribute to Joanna Cannon, whose scholarship and teaching have done so much to shape the historical study of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Italian art. Her teaching lies at the heart of this book, as its chapters are all written by...

Conférence : Daniel M. Unger, « Ambiguity in the works of Caravaggio », en ligne, 20 juillet 2022, 18h15-20h

The talk will address works of art that Caravaggio completed in Rome. The focus of the talk will be on the ambiguity of presentation that one can discern in his paintings and on how this ambiguity clarifies every time a certain aspect of his ideas. Caravaggio’s sophisticated language comes in contrast to his choice to represent his figures as simple and poor. His unconventional, nonconformist, and independent approach is marked by a certain ambiguity, obscurity,...

Exposition : “Dai primitivi a Filippo Lippi. Il nuovo allestimento di Palazzo Barberini”, Rome, Palais Barberini, jusqu’au 30 juin 2023

Da venerdì 29 aprile 2022 le Gallerie Nazionali di Arte Antica riaprono le porte delle undici sale del piano terra di Palazzo Barberini, completamente rinnovate e riallestite. Con questo intervento, a cura di Flaminia Gennari Santori con Maurizia Cicconi e Michele Di Monte, e progetto allestitivo di Enrico Quell, si conclude, dopo tre anni, il complesso riallestimento della collezione permanente del museo. Le 50 opere del piano terra, dall’Alto Medioevo al primissimo Cinquecento, sono disposte...

Parution : Stefan Bauer, Simon Ditchfield, “A Renaissance Reclaimed Jacob Burckhardt’s Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy Reconsidered”, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022

  Brings together in one place the insights of historians of Renaissance literature, art, scholarship, religion, political theory, and festivals Considers Burckhardt’s ideas both in terms of their intrinsic worth and for what they tell us about the age in which he was writing Represents the latest scholarship in the relevant fields   Publication date : 24 May 2022 Source

Parution : Giovanni C.F. Villa, “Giorgione”, Silvana Editoriale, Milan, 2022

    The most comprehensive overview in print on the Renaissance master of Venetian sensuality Famous for his enduringly popular and canonical masterpieces such as The Sleeping Venus and The Tempest—often considered the first true landscape painting in Western art—Zorzi da Castelfranco, known as Giorgione (1474 or 1478–1510) was, along with Titian, one of the greatest masters of the Venetian Renaissance. Although his brief career lasted just over 10 years, the handful of surviving paintings...

Parution : Gillian B. Elliott, Anne Heath, “Art, Architecture, and the Moving Viewer, c. 300-1500 CE, Brill, Leyde, 2022

Series :  Art and Material Culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, Volume: 18 Volume Editors : Gillian B. Elliott and Anne Heath Premodern architecture and built environments were fluid spaces whose configurations and meanings were constantly adapting and changing. The production of transitory meaning transpired whenever a body or object moved through these dynamic spaces. Whether spanning the short duration of a procession or the centuries of a building’s longue durée, a body or object...