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Étiqueté : art religieux

Parution : Wietse de Boer, “Art in Dispute Catholic Debates at the Time of Trent”, Brill, Leyde, 2021

    Series :  Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, Volume: 59 The Catholic Church answered Reformation-era contestations of the cult of images in a famous decree of the Council of Trent (1563). Art in Disputerevisits this response by focusing on its antecedents rather than its consequences. The mid-sixteenth century saw, besides new scholarship on Byzantine doctrines, heated debates about neo-scholastic interpretations. Disagreement, suppressed at Trent but re-emerging soon afterwards, centered on...

Parution : André Verstandig, “Pieter Bruegel – Le Massacre des Innocents”, Bruxelles, SAMSA, 2022

Essai. L’oeuvre de Pieter Bruegel l’Ancien s’inscrit dans son époque, la Renaissance, le « Rinascimento», imaginé dès 1568 par l’italien Giorgio Vasari, on redécouvre à travers toute l’Europe occidentale, les arts, les sciences et, surtout, la littérature. Quelques souverains emblématiques : Charles Quint, François Ier, Henri VIII, Philippe II, ou Soliman le magnifique; et des condottieres comme Andrea Doria, Don Juan d’Autriche, le duc d’Albe, Hernán Cortez, ou Fransisco Pizarro, sont les acteurs des principaux...

Parution : Marsha Libina, “Sebastiano del Piombo and the Sacred Image”, Turnhout, Brepols, 2022

On account of the artists’ collaborative practice, Sebastiano del Piombo’s oeuvre is often misconstrued as a coloristic supplement to Michelangelo’s disegno or as a mere extension of the older master’s drawings and ideas. Marsha Libina’s book complicates this narrative by offering a critical reevaluation of the devotional art of Sebastiano del Piombo (1485–1547), an important Venetian artist whose Roman work stands at the nexus of questions regarding art, religious reform and the largely unexplored history of artistic collaboration. Investigating...

Parution : Nerida Newbigin, « Making a Play for God: The Sacre Rappresentazioni of Renaissance Florence », 2021

Playful pleasure or devout piety? Why did Florentines invest so much effort in the performance of sacre rappresentazioni, their dramatizations of the life of Christ and the saints, the history of Man’s Salvation from the Creation to the Last Judgement, Old and New Testament stories, and miracles of the Virgin? Drawing on manuscript and printed plays, confraternal and communal archives, chronicles and letters, this study explores in fine detail and with careful attention to chronology...

Appel à contribution : « Historic Urban Landscape of European Cathedral Cities. Past Presencing. Public Perceptions and Understanding of the Medieval City », en ligne, 21-22 mai 2021, date limite le 1er mai 2021

The term cathedral city indicates an urban settlement that became an Episcopal see in Antiquity or early in the medieval period, and was developed during the 11th to the 15th century. These were formative centuries for European cities, during which a concentration of religious and secular powers and of social and economic forces shaped the form of the urban built environment and redefined its cultural meanings through social practices of space. The aims of this...

Offre d’emploi : 2 PhD and 2 PostDoc Positions, University of Zurich, date limite le 15 mars 2021

University of Zurich, Institute of Art History, GLOBECOSAL: Global Economies of Salvation. Art and the Negotiation of Sanctity in the Early Modern Period Application deadline: Mar 15, 2021 1. Two doctoral (PhD) positions, 60% University of Zurich’s Institute of Art History invites applications for two doctoral positions within Prof. Dr. Raphaèle Preisinger’s research project “GLOBECOSAL: Global Economies of Salvation. Art and the Negotiation of Sanctity in the Early Modern Period”, funded by the ERC (European...

Parution : Beth Williamson, « Reliquary Tabernacles in Fourteenth-Century Italy: Image, Relic and Material Culture », Suffolk, Boydell and Brewer, 2020

Ground-breaking study of the enigmatic and unique tabernacles from fourteenth-century Italy, which for the first time combined relics and images. Images and relics were central tools in the process of devotional practice in medieval Europe. The reliquary tabernacles that emerged in the 1340s, in the area of Central Italy surrounding the city of Siena, combined images and relics, presented visibly together, within painted and decorated wooden frames. In these tabernacles the various media and materials...

Appel à contribution : « L’enfant à la Renaissance dans les anciens Pays-Bas (fin XVe-début XVIIe siècle) », Arras, Université d’Artois, 19-20 novembre 2020, date limite le 1er juin 2020

Le CREHS (université d’Artois) organise le 5e colloque de son cycle de recherche pluridisciplinaire sur La Renaissance dans les Provinces du Nord. Le thème retenu est celui de l’enfant fin XVe-début XVIIe siècle. Le colloque aura lieu les 19 et 20 novembre 2020 à Arras, université d’Artois. Le colloque interrogera la place de l’enfant et sa perception dans la société dans une période de forte mutation, portée par le mouvement humaniste et marquée par les...

Appel à communication : « ‘Remarkable women’: Female patronage of religious institutions, 1350-1550 », Londres, The Courtauld Institute of Art, date limite le 10 avril 2020

This conference seeks to explore the ways in which women patronised and interacted with monasteries and religious houses during the late Middle Ages, how they commissioned devotional and commemorative art for monastic settings, and the ways in which these donations were received and understood by their intended audiences. The artistic donations of lay patrons to religious institutions has become a fruitful area of study in recent years, but the specific role played by women in...

Appel à communication : « Aiutando l’arte. Les inscriptions dans les décors tridentins d’Italie », Paris, INHA, date limite le 15 mars 2018

Appel à communication : « Aiutando l’arte. Les inscriptions dans les décors tridentins d’Italie » (journée d’étude, Paris, INHA, 5 octobre 2018) « Aiutando l’arte con le parole per esprimere suo concetto » : l’ambivalence de la théorie artistique du Cinquecento devant les inscriptions pourrait être résumée par cette formule de Giorgio Vasari, qui sanctionne ailleurs le recours aux phylactères comme une « goffaria » et un défaut de virtuosité. Le refus de faire place...