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Étiqueté : chapelle Sixtine

Conférence : « Before Michelangelo: ‘Revisioning’ Sixtus’s Sistine Chapel as sensorium », Rome, ACU Rome Campus, 21 octobre 2024

Before Michelangelo: ‘Revisioning’ Sixtus’s Sistine Chapel as sensorium, ACU Rome Campus, with a public lecture (Peter Howard with Shannon Kuziow), 5 pm, 21 October 2024  Peter Howard is past Director of the IRCI and an honorary professor at ACU and also in the School of Divinity, the University of St Andrews. His research and publications have centred on theology, preaching, and visual and material culture in Renaissance Italy. He is particularly interested in lay theological...

Parution : Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz, LXIII. Band (2021), Heft 2

Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz Aufsätze – Saggi Francesco Saracino San Giovanni battezzato. Apertura su un tema fiorentino (pp. 162–179) Florian Métral  The Sistine Chapel’s Starry Sky Reconsidered (pp. 180–209) Alana O’Brien Who Holds the Keys to the Chiostro dello Scalzo, “scuola di molti giovani”? (pp. 210–261)   Miszellen – Appunti Roberta J. M. Olson New Evidence about the Patron, Date, and Original Location of Giovanni della Robbia’s Antinori Resurrection (pp. 262–273) Luca Pezzuto “Mai...

Colloque : Iconography and Religious Otherness, en ligne, 10-11 juin 2021

15th Conference of Iconographic Studies Iconography and Religious Otherness Center for Iconographic Studies – University of Rijeka, Department of Art History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split and Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism, University of Macerata in collaboration with COST project “Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Mediterranean (1350-1750)”, kindly invite you to the 15th Conference of Iconographic Studies “Iconography and Religious Otherness”. The conference is organized...

Parution : Christian K. Kleinbub, « Michelangelo’s Inner Anatomies », Penn State University Press, 2020.

This book challenges the notion that Michelangelo, renowned for his magnificent portrayals of the human body, was merely concerned with “superficial” anatomy—that is, the parts of the body that can be seen from the outside. Christian K. Kleinbub provides a fresh perspective on Michelangelo’s art of the human figure by investigating what he calls the artist’s “inner anatomical poetics,” revealing these beautiful bodies as objects of profound intellectual and spiritual significance. Michelangelo’s Inner Anatomies illuminates...

Exposition : “Gli Arazzi di Raffaello esposti per una settimana nella Cappella Sistina”, Vatican, Chapelle Sixtine, du 17 au 23 février 2020

Dal 17 al 23 febbraio 2020, gli arazzi che il maestro urbinate disegnò appositamente per la Cappella tornano nel loro luogo di origine. Un evento eccezionale poiché il loro “ricongiungimento” completo non avveniva dal 1983. La Cappella Sistina, a partire da venerdì 17 gennaio 2020, per una settimana farà da cornice a uno “uno spettacolo emozionante”, ovvero  al “ricongiungimento” completo degli arazzi che Raffaello (Urbino, 1483 – Roma, 1520) disegnò appositamente per questo luogo su commissione di papa...

Conférence : « Michelangelo and the Life and Death of Adam and Eve », UCLA Royce Hall Room 306, Los Angeles, 20 Fév 2018, 12.00-13.00

In this talk, Herbert Morris (Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Law Emeritus, UCLA) analyzes Michelangelo’s treatment of Adam and Eve in three panels of the Sistine Ceiling devoted to their creation, temptation, and expulsion. Delving into topics that have been minimally attended to in the critical literature or not at all, this talk examines aspects of the paintings in which Michelangelo departs from the text of Genesis, such as the nakedness of Adam and Eve in...

Conférence-débat: Giovanni Careri, Juifs et Chrétiens dans la Chapelle Sixtine, Amphithéâtre François Furet EHESS, Mercredi 7 mai 2014, 19h-21h

Conférence-débat: Giovanni Careri, Juifs et Chrétiens dans la Chapelle Sixtine, Amphithéâtre François Furet EHESS, Mercredi 7 mai 2014, 19h-21h

JUIFS ET CHRÉTIENS DANS LA CHAPELLE SIXTINE           Mercredi 7 mai 2014, 19h-21h           Conférence-débat organisée par les Cercles de formation de l’EHESS, les Éditions de l’EHESS, l’AFSR et le CEIFR. Accueil à partir de 18h30. Inscription indispensable : Parmi les centaines de personnages de la chapelle Sixtine, les Ancêtres du Christ, représentés dans les lunettes et les cintres de la voûte, semblent être en marge du contexte...

Présentation : Giovanni Careri – “La torpeur des Ancêtres – Juifs et chrétiens dans la chapelle Sixtine”

Présentation : Giovanni Careri – “La torpeur des Ancêtres – Juifs et chrétiens dans la chapelle Sixtine”

Présentation du livre La torpeur des Ancêtres – Juifs et chrétiens dans la chapelle Sixtine de Giovanni Careri paru aux Éditions de l’EHESS. Mercredi 11 décembre, 19h30. Librairie Tschann Parmi les centaines de personnages de la chapelle Sixtine, les Ancêtres du Christ, représentés dans les lunettes et les cintres de la voûte, semblent être en marge du contexte héroïque de l’ensemble. Que font-ils à côté des corps pleins d’énergie des anges et des élus du Jugement dernier, des prophètes et sibylles...