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Étiqueté : chiaroscuro

Colloque : « Lumières sacrées, lumières profanes », Paris, INHA, 18-19 décembre 2019

ED441 Histoire de l’art / HiCSA avec le soutien de la Commission recherche du Conseil académique de l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Lumières sacrées, lumières profanes 18-19 décembre 2019 Galerie Colbert, Salle Vasari sous la responsabilité scientifique de Colette Nativel La dialectique de la lumière et de l’ombre est, dès l’Antiquité, associée non seulement à la représentation, mais aussi à l’origine de la création artistique et de la réflexion sur l’Art (mythe de la Caverne, mythe...

Exposition : « The Chiaroscuro Woodcut in Renaissance Italy », Los Angeles County Museum of Art, du 3 juin au 16 septembre 2018.

Displaying exquisite designs, technical virtuosity, and sumptuous color, chiaroscuro woodcuts are among the most striking prints of the Renaissance. First introduced in Italy around 1516, the chiaroscuro woodcut, which involves printing an image from two or more woodblocks inked in different hues, was one of the most successful early forays into color printing in Europe. Taking its name from the Italian for “light” (chiaro) and “shade” (scuro), the technique creates the illusion of depth through...

Exposition : “A Revolution in Printmaking. The Italian Chiaroscuro Woodcut of the Sixteenth Century”, Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, du 22 septembre 2017 au 14 janvier 2018.

A Revolution in Printmaking. The Italian Chiaroscuro Woodcut of the Sixteenth Century. Cologne – Wallraf-Richartz Museum 22 septembre 2017 – 14 janvier 2018   Scarcely another method has had such a deep and lasting effect on print-making as the invention in 1516 of the chiaroscuro woodcut by Italian artist Ugo da Carpi. After centuries of simple woodcut prints, the chiaroscuro technique constituted a totally new means of expression. By using differently cut wood blocks, artists...

Appel à communications : “Chiaroscuro as Aesthetic Principle, 1300-1600”, Bern, date limite : 15 août 2015

Chiaroscuro since Leon Battista Alberti’s De pictura (1435) has been one of the central subjects characterising painting and sculpture in practice and theory in Italy. Primarily, it concerns the articulation of plastic qualities, the formulation of relief, both in painting and sculpture. In the northern tradition, too, chiaroscuro has been highly valued. Through chiaroscuro, the textures of materials and the structural fabric of their surfaces, including their eye-catching highlights, have been evoked. Chiaroscuro goes hand in hand with an intensification of optical qualities....

Appel à communication : “Beyond disegno ?”, Florence, date limite : 10 août 2015

Beyond disegno ? The emergence of independent drawings in Germany and Italy in the 15th and 16th century Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut 3-5 mars 2016 Disegno has received great attention from art-historical scholarship for several decades now. Its significance for the art of the Italian Renaissance and for the system of the arts right up to the modern era is indisputable. But artistic developments outside the sphere of disegno easily escape our notice. This...