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Étiqueté : conservation-restauration

Appel à contribution : « Fragility and Recalcitrance », Sculpture Journal, date limite le 1er décembre 2024

In light of so much global destruction, our increasing awareness of the finiteness of resources, and the continuing legacy of colonialism, Sculpture Journal invites authors to explore how these issues have impacted artistic and cultural production through the lens of materiality specifically. Centring on the theme of reuse and its attendant terms — recycling and appropriation, looting and spolia — we invite reflection on the fragility, but also the recalcitrance, of artworks and their materials....

Journée d’étude : « Expert Meeting: Rembrandt Reunited », Nivå, The Nivaagaard Collection, 2 septembre 2024, date limite le 15 août 2024

This event marks the first time in over two centuries that Rembrandt’s ‘Portrait of a 39-year-old Woman’ from The Nivaagaard Collection and its speculated counterpart, the ‘Portrait of a 40-year-old Man’ from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, will be displayed together. Research by an international team of art historians and technical experts has focused on the question whether these masterpieces are pendant portraits. Now, we invite the academic community to review the...

Appel à contribution : « Textile Ecologies », en ligne, 5-7 février 2025, date limite le 15 juillet 2024

Among the artifacts crafted by humankind, textiles have always held a uniquely interdependent relationship with the environment. Textiles derive from vegetal (hemp, raffia, ramie, cotton, or bark cloth), animal (wool, silk) and even mineral origins (as in the case of asbestos fibers). The production of textiles has depended upon access to and the processing of raw materials, while cloth manufacturing has reshaped entire landscapes from the transplantation of mulberry trees for sericulture to the mounds...

Appel à contribution : Studiolo, n° 19, 2023, date limite le 6 mars 2023

Publiée par l’Académie de France à Rome – Villa Médicis, Studiolo est une revue annuelle d’histoire de l’art dédiée à la production artistique et la circulation des images entre l’Italie, l’Europe et le Monde, de la Renaissance à nos jours. Elle constitue un espace ouvert aux recherches les plus actuelles qui occupent toutes les disciplines de l’histoire de l’art, dans ses objectifs comme dans ses méthodes. Chaque numéro comporte un dossier thématique et des rubriques...

Exposition : « Facelifts & make-overs », La Haye, Mauritshuis, 7 octobre 2021-9 janvier 2022

Very few people know that there is a conservation studio in the Mauritshuis attic. A team of in-house conservators works there, dedicating their time to conservation, restoration and research and ensuring that the collection remains in top condition. In 2021 it will be some 25 years since the studio was installed in the attic. In Facelifts and Makeovers the most intriguing restorations of the past twenty years will be unveiled, including paintings by Rembrandt, Vermeer,...

Exposition : El Caballero de Carpaccio : Restauración y estudio técnico, Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, jusqu’au 1er novembre 2021

Tras finalizar la restauración de Joven caballero en un paisaje de Vittore Carpaccio (c.1505), una de las obras más emblemáticas del museo, se muestran los resultados del trabajo realizado en una instalación especial, en la misma sala 11 de la colección permanente donde se han llevado a cabo esos trabajos, de cara al público, a lo largo del año 2020 y parte de 2021. El cuadro restaurado se presenta junto a un vídeo que explica e ilustra...

Exposition : « Around Mantegna and Bellini. Technical Studies and Conservation », Berlin, Gemäldegalerie, jusqu’au 29 novembre 2020

As an echo to the recent exhibition „Mantegna und Bellini. Masters of the Renaissance”, held at the Gemäldegalerie from March through June 2019, this presentation gives insight into the technical research and restoration treatments the museum’s conservators executed in preparation for the exhibition. On display are works by two major painters of the Italian Renaissance, Andrea Mantegna (ca. 1431-1506) and Giovanni Bellini (ca. 1435-1516), together with creations by their immediate circle. From the creation of...

Parution : Marcello Beato, Carlo Andrea Postinger (dir.), Palazzo Noriller a Rovereto Nuovi studi interdisciplinari, Milan, Silvana Editoriale, 2020

L’Accademia roveretana degli Agiati ha organizzato nel 2018 una tavola rotonda incentrata sull’interpretazione del programma decorativo che caratterizza un antico edificio del centro storico di Rovereto: palazzo Noriller. In seguito ai restauri di cui è stato fatto oggetto, infatti, esso ha restituito nel 1992 ampi brani affrescati di epoca tardomedievale, sia sulla facciata esterna, sia in una saletta interna. Gli interrogativi circa il soggetto, ma anche la committenza e il significato di questi dipinti murali...

Conférence : “L’art de Van Eyck et la restauration de l’Agneau Mystique”, Bruxelles, Abbaye de La Cambre, 11 mars 2020, 18h30

L’art de Van Eyck et la restauration de l’Agneau Mystique Conférence à l’initiative de l’atelier de Conservation, restauration des œuvres d’art Van Eyck est à l’honneur en cette année 2020. La restauration de l’Agneau Mystique des frères Van Eyck à Gand vient de connaître l’achèvement de la 2e phase sur les trois que compte le projet. Une exposition est également consacrée à Van Eyck au MSK de Gand, intitulée Van Eyck, Une Révolution optique (du...

Exposition : “Bellini Plus, Research and Restoration”, Berlin, Gemäldegalerie, jusqu’au 21 juillet 2019

The Gemäldegalerie is devoting a studio exhibition to a group of paintings by the father and son Jacopo and Giovanni Bellini, their workshop and followers, which have hardly ever been displayed before. These forgotten treasures, some of which have languished in the museum storeroom since the Second World War, will be shown along with the results of new research and restoration. Restoration and research are inseparably linked. Information about materials, techniques and structures, object histories...