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Étiqueté : culture visuelle

Appel à contribution : « Visual and Material Culture, 1300–1700 », Amsterdam University Press

Series Editor: Dr. Allison Levy, A forum for innovative research on the role of images and objects in the late medieval and early modern periods, Visual and Material Culture, 1300-1700 publishes monographs and essay collections that combine rigorous investigation with critical inquiry to present new narratives on a wide range of topics, from traditional arts to seemingly ordinary things. Recognizing the fluidity of images, objects, and ideas, this series fosters cross-cultural as well as multi-disciplinary...

Appel à communication : « The Virgin as Auctoritas : The Authority of the Virgin Mary and female moral–doctrinal authority in the Middle Ages », Association for Art History Annual Conference, Birmingham, date limite le 19 octobre 2020

Annual Association for Art History Conference, Birmingham 14 – 17 April 2021 Deadline 19 October 2020 This session aims at exploring a fundamental issue: female authority through the lens of visual/material culture. It involves prominently the Virgin Mary – as well as figures of female authority in the medieval world – because in the late decades of the 20th century, feminist thinkers pointed at the ‘negative model’ offered by the Virgin Mary since for centuries...

Parution : Rosa-Maria Dessi, « Les spectres du Bon Gouvernement d’Ambrogio Lorenzetti. Artistes, cités communales et seigneurs angevins au Trecento », Paris, PUF, 2017.

  Présentation de l’éditeur : Les fresques dites du « Bon Gouvernement », peintes au XIVe siècle par Ambrogio Lorenzetti sur trois des murs de la salle de la paix du palais communal de Sienne ont nourri le récit national italien exaltant l’âge des Communes libres et démocratiques : le bon gouvernement d’une ville s’oppose au mauvais gouvernement du tyran. Déstabilisant les présupposés des interprétations traditionnelles de ces fascinantes réalisations de l’art gothique, en y...

Appel à publication : « Emotions, Art, and Religion in Europe, Africa, and the Americas, c. 1400–1800 », date limite le 30 mars 2018

The “emotional turn” has prompted numerous studies on the history of emotions in the medieval and early modern periods. Many of these studies have been oriented towards texts rather than images, although recently visual culture, especially among medievalists, has played a more prominent role in these investigations. Nevertheless, there is still much to be explored about the role of visual and material culture in the history of emotions in the late medieval and early modern...

Parution : Angeliki Pollali, Berthold Hub (éd.), « Images of Sex and Desire in Renaissance Art and Modern Historiography », Routledge, 2018.

Studies on gender and sexuality have proliferated in the last decades, covering a wide spectrum of disciplines. This collection of essays offers a metanarrative of sexuality as it has been recently embedded in the art historical discourse of the European Renaissance. It revisits ‘canonical’ forms of visual culture, such as painting, sculpture and a number of emblematic manuscripts. The contributors focus on one image—either actual or thematic—and examine it against its historiographic assumptions. Through the...

Appel à candidature : Enseignant en histoire de l’art de la Renaissance (Yale University, juillet 2016)

DATE LIMITE: 23 NOVEMBRE 2015 DATE DE PRISE DE FONCTION: 1ER JUILLET 2016 Yale_University_LogoThe Department of the History of Art of Yale University invites applications for a professor at any rank (Assistant, Associate or Full Professor) in the fields of Renaissance art, architecture, and/or visual/material culture. We encourage applications from scholars specializing in either Northern or Southern Europe, or in Europe’s interaction with the rest of the world. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in the...

Appel à communication : “Explorer la Renaissance / Exploring the Renaissance 2016″, Saint Louis, date limite : 15 décembre 2015

Exploring the Renaissance 2016: An International Conference  We welcome you to the 65th meeting of the South Central Renaissance Conference March 24-26, 2016 St. Louis, Missouri Parkway Hotel Conference website: Local Arrangements: Tim Moylan, St. Louis College of Pharmacy Program Chair: Christopher Baker, Armstrong State University William B. Hunter Lecturer: Robert C. Evans, Auburn University at Montgomery Louis L. Martz Lecturer: Carlo M. Bajetta, Universita della Valle d’Aosta, Italy Keynote Lecturer: Sara van den Berg,...

Appel à communication : “The Senses and Visual Culture from Antiquity to the Renaissance” Bristol, date limite : 10 avril 2015

Appel à communication : “The Senses and Visual Culture from Antiquity to the Renaissance” Bristol, date limite : 10 avril 2015

The Senses and Visual Culture from Antiquity to the Renaissance University of Bristol (UK) 8-9 juin 2015   Where does the recent sensory turn in the Arts and Humanities leave the study of Visual Culture? Can the viewer/object model incorporate the full sensorium without imposing ocularcentrism? How has vision’s relation to the other senses been expressed and explored through the visual arts from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period? How have the senses and sensory...