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Étiqueté : dessin

Exposition : « Graphic Design in the Middle Ages », Los Angeles, The Getty Center, 29 août 2023-28 juin 2024

Medieval scribes and artists were some of the world’s first graphic designers, planning individual pages and whole books in creative ways. Exploring the idea of designing a medieval book, from the layout of the page to text as graphic organizing tool, and the role of ornament in the structure of the finished product, this exhibition reveals the ways that design influenced the reading and interpretation of medieval books. Source

Appel à contribution : « Exploring Rome through Drawing in the 16th Century », Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, 6-8 mars 2024, date limite le 12 novembre 2023

Concept and organization: Tatjana Bartsch, Tanja Michalsky, Johannes Röll. Invited keynote speaker: Ilja M. Veldman In 1532, the painter Maarten van Heemskerck (1498–1574) set out on a journey from Haarlem to Rome. A collection of 94 sheets with about 160 drawings in the Berlin Kupferstichkabinett, including 66 sheets of a former sketchbook with drawings on both sides, provides a visual testimony to his five-year stay. It is the world’s largest corpus of Van Heemskerck’s Roman drawings,...

Conférences : « I disegni di Michelangelo », Florence, Museo della Casa Buonarroti, 19 octobre-14 décembre 2023

La Casa Buonarroti organizza per l’autunno 2023 un ciclo di conferenze dedicate ai più importanti fogli della sua collezione di disegni di Michelangelo. Le conferenze fanno da contorno al progetto di riallestimento della sala del museo dedicata all’esposizione temporanea dei disegni, che sarà compiuto nell’anno 2023 a completamento del rinnovamento dell’allestimento e dell’apparato informativo delle sale del museo che ospitano opere di Michelangelo, realizzato nell’anno precedente con l’obiettivo di migliorare le condizioni psico-fisiche del pubblico durante...

Exposition : « Giulio Romano – Intorno a un disegno della Collezione Hertz », Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana, du 10 juillet au 6 octobre 2023

This research exhibition focuses on one of Giulio Romano’s preparatory drawings for the famous fresco cycle created for the great hall of the Villa Lante on the Janiculum Hill, today preserved in Palazzo Zuccari. The recent restoration of the drawing The Liberation of Cloelia (in the collection of the Bibliotheca Hertziana) has provided an opportunity to highlight the special appreciation for Italian Renaissance art of Henriette Hertz, cosmopolitan collector, and the founder of the Bibliotheca...

Parution : D. van Heesch, S. Van Ooteghem, J. Van Grieken, « Bruegel and Beyond. Netherlandish Drawings in the Royal Library of Belgium, 1500-1800 », Yale University Press, 2023

The Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels houses the largest collection of drawings in the country. Among its highlights are works by leading artists of the Low Countries, including Pieter Bruegel I, Joris Hoefnagel, Hendrick Goltzius, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck, and Jacques Jordaens. As the library’s collection has been little studied up to now, it is largely unknown to scholars and the general public. To acquaint a wider audience with these important works...

Exposition : « Muse or Maestra ? Women in the Italian Art World, 1400–1800 », Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett, 8 mars-4 juin 2023

Featuring some 90 works, the special exhibition organised by Berlin’s Kupferstichkabinett elucidates the lives and impact of women such as Rosalba Carriera, Artemisia Gentileschi, Elisabetta Sirani, Diana Scultori, Isabella d’Este, Christina, Queen of Sweden, and others. Their works, fates and enormous influence on the art world of their times have in part been forgotten today. During the Renaissance and Baroque periods, the art of these women outshone that of their fathers, brothers and husbands. They...

Exposition : « Dürer for Berlin. Looking for Traces of the Master in the Kupferstichkabinett », Berlin, Kulturforum, 12 mai-27 août 2023

The Kupferstichkabinett is home to one of the most important collections of drawings and printed works by Albrecht Dürer anywhere in the world. The masterpieces gathered together here give a striking demonstration of the breadth of his artistic production. With this exhibition, the Kupferstichkabinett is opening one of its greatest treasure chests. Alongside Dürer’s Meisterstich engravings and woodcut series (such as Apocalypseand Life of the Virgin), key drawings will be on display, such as Dürer’s...

Exposition : « Hugo van der Goes. Between Pain and Bliss », Berlin, Gemäldegalerie, 31 mars-16 juillet 2023

Hugo van der Goes (c. 1440–1482/83) was the most important Netherlandish artist of the second half of the 15th century. His works impress with their monumentality and intense colours as well as with their astonishing closeness to life and emotional expressivity. In March 2023, 540 years after the artist’s death, Berlin’s Gemäldegalerie will celebrate a premiere : for the first time, almost all of the artist’s surviving paintings and drawings will be presented in one...

Appel à contribution : « The Episteme of Early Modern Drawings and Prints », Berlin, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 28-29 septembre 2023, date limite le 30 avril 2023

The academy project “Antiquitatum Thesaurus: Antiquities in European Visual Sources from the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”, hosted at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (, and the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Munich ( are organizing a series of colloquia in 2023-2024 on the topic “Visualizing Antiquity. On the Episteme of Drawings and Prints in the Early Modern Period.” The significance of drawings and prints for ideas, research, and the circulation of knowledge about ancient artifacts,...

Colloque : Gernsheim Study Days: Accident or Strategy. The Collecting of Drawings in 16th and 17th Century Italy, Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana, 10-12 mai 2023

With the overriding question of whether collectors purchased strategically or amassed drawings by accident, the Gernsheim Study Days at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in May 2023 will examine the full breadth of this early moment in the history of collecting works on paper. Gernsheim Study Days: Accident or Strategy. The Collecting of Drawings in 16th and 17th Century Italy Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte Rom Location: Villino Stroganoff, Via Gregoriana 22, 00187 Roma and online...