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Étiqueté : dessins

Appel à contribution : « Mettere mano. Reworking Early Modern Drawings », Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana, 4-7 mars 2025, date limite le 10 novembre 2024

“… con questo, che Taddeo potesse correggere e mettere mano nei disegni e cartoni di Federigo a suo piacimento …” In the Vita of Taddeo Zuccari, Giorgio Vasari describes the reworking of drawings — in contrast to that of paintings — as a common and spontaneous practice in the sixteenth century. In his Libro de’ disegni, Vasari himself reworked his own drawing collection into elaborate framing collages organized by artist and subject. Some of these...

Exposition : « Light and Tone: Selections from the Department of Drawings and Prints », New York, The Met Fifth Avenue, 18 mai-5 septembre 2023

The Department of Drawings and Prints boasts more than one million drawings, prints, and illustrated books made in Europe and the Americas from around 1400 to the present day. Because of their number and sensitivity to light, the works can only be exhibited for a limited period and are usually housed in on-site storage facilities. To highlight the vast range of works on paper, the department organizes four rotations a year in the Robert Wood...

Parution : D. van Heesch, S. Van Ooteghem, J. Van Grieken, « Bruegel and Beyond. Netherlandish Drawings in the Royal Library of Belgium, 1500-1800 », Yale University Press, 2023

The Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels houses the largest collection of drawings in the country. Among its highlights are works by leading artists of the Low Countries, including Pieter Bruegel I, Joris Hoefnagel, Hendrick Goltzius, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck, and Jacques Jordaens. As the library’s collection has been little studied up to now, it is largely unknown to scholars and the general public. To acquaint a wider audience with these important works...

Exposition : De’ Visi Mostruosi e Caricature, Venise, Palazzo Loredan, 27 avril 2023

De’ visi mostruosi non parlo, perché senza fatica si tengono a mente, così si legge tra le annotazioni di Leonardo da Vinci nel Codice Atlantico e nel Trattato della Pittura; e sicuramente rimarranno impresse nelle menti dei visitatori le tante “teste caricate” o “grottesche”, i volti deformi, le figure esagerate o caricaturali realizzate dai grandi artisti attivi in Italia settentrionale tra il XVI e il XVIII secolo, esposte nella straordinaria mostra promossa a Venezia dalla...

Appel à communication : « Accident or Strategy. The Collecting of Drawings in 16th and 17th Century Italy », Rome, Bibliotheca Hertziana, date limite le 9 janvier 2023

With the overriding question of whether collectors purchased strategically or amassed drawings by accident, the Gernsheim Study Days at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in May 2023 hope to examine the full breadth of this early moment in the history of collecting works on paper. Who collected drawings on for what purpose? How were collections organized and how were drawings arranged or displayed? What kind of public had access to the collections? What kind of sources are...

Parution : Emily J. Peters, Laura Ritter, “Tales of the City Drawing in the Netherlands from Bosch to Bruegel”, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2022

  An innovative examination of sixteenth-century Netherlandish drawing against the backdrop of the urban economic boom, the Protestant Reformation, and the Eighty Years’ War Featuring works by Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450–1516), Jan Gossaert (c. 1478–1532), Maarten van Heemskerck (1498–1574), Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1525–1569), Hendrick Goltzius (1558–1617), and others, this book positions drawing in the Low Countries in the sixteenth century as a dynamic, multifaceted practice. Drawings played roles as varied as the artists...

Conférence : Roberta Serra, « Dessins bolonais du XVIe siècle dans les collections du Louvre », Paris, Musée du Louvre, le 29 septembre 2022 à 12h30

Par Roberta Serra, musée du Louvre Exposition : 22 septembre 2022 – 16 janvier 2023 Rotonde Sully nord Cette exposition accompagne la parution de l’Inventaire général des dessins italiens, tome XII. Dessins bolonais du XVIe siècle. Elle présente des dessins exécutés par des artistes natifs de la ville de Bologne, ou bolonais d’adoption, actifs avant l’arrivée des Carrache. Une sélection de quarante-quatre feuilles permet de découvrir l’évolution du dessin bolonais tout au long du 16e siècle en mettant en valeur...

Exposition : “Hans Hoffmann. A European artist of the Renaissance”, Nuremberg, German National Museum, du 12 mai au 8 août 2022

  Nuremberg citizen and European artist: Hans Hoffmann (ca. 1545/50 – 1591/92) is considered one of the leading lights of the “Duerer Renaissance”. His artistic reputation is based on his numerous copies of works by the old master. Imitation was not a practice he alone specialised in, however; rather, it was part of a European art phenomenon which reached its peak in around 1600. In comparing the work of Hoffmann with that of Duerer and...

Exposition : « Giorgio Vasari. Le Livre des dessins. Destinées d’une collection mythique », Paris, Musée du Louvre, 31 mars-18 juillet 2022

Giorgio Vasari a réuni ce qui fut probablement la première collection de dessins fondée sur une logique historisante : le légendaire Libro de’ disegni, qui fait son apparition dans la seconde édition des Vies des plus excellents peintres, sculpteurs et architectes, parue à Florence, en 1568, chez les Giunti. Le 29 juin 1574, deux jours après la mort de Vasari, le Libro fut remis par ses héritiers au grand-duc de Toscane, Francesco I, qui l’avait envoyé chercher. Ensuite,...

Exposition : « The Art of Experiment: Parmigianino at The Courtauld », Londres, The Courtauld Gallery, du 5 mars au 5 juin 2022

The Renaissance artist Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola, better known as Parmigianino (1503-1540), was celebrated for his graceful compositions and praised as the heir to Raphael (1483 – 1520). Parmigianino drew relentlessly during his short life: more than a thousand of his drawings have survived. They show the virtuoso artist, endlessly sketching out new ideas on paper. As well as drawing and painting, Parmigianino also experimented with printmaking, and is considered to have been the first...