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Étiqueté : Dominicains

Colloque : “Contemplata aliis tradere. Lo specchio letterario dei frati predicatori”, Rome, 23-27 janvier 2017

“Contemplata aliis tradere. Lo specchio letterario dei frati predicatori” Les 23-27 janvier 2017 aura lieu à Rome un grand colloque organisé par la province romaine de sainte Catherine de Sienne et par la revue Memorie Dominicane pour commémorer le huitième centenaire de la fondation de l’ordre dominicain. Programme complet et informations pratiques en PDF   Programme :   Lundi 23 janvier, 15h30 Cérémonie inaugurale Mardi 24 janvier, 9h30 : Session I, Arma nostræ militiæ (prés. Bernard...

Appel à communication : « Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages », Oxford, date limite : 1er mars 2015

Appel à communication : « Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages », Oxford, date limite : 1er mars 2015

Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages Lincoln College, Oxford 10-12 septembre 2015 From the modest group of St Dominic and his sixteen followers, the Dominican Order grew rapidly in the first century of its existence, establishing itself across Europe as a learned Order of Preachers. This interdisciplinary conference will seek to explore the influences of the Dominican Order on all aspects of medieval life. The conference theme of ‘influence’ can be interpreted in its...

Appel à contribution : “The Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages”,  date limite : 1er mars 2015

Appel à contribution : “The Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages”, date limite : 1er mars 2015

Call for Papers : The Influences of the Dominican order in the Middle Ages (Oxford, 10-12 septembre 2015)   CFP DEADLINE: 1st March 2015   From the modest group of St Dominic and his sixteen followers, the Dominican Order grew rapidly in the first century of its existence, establishing itself across Europe as a learned Order of Preachers. This interdisciplinary conference will seek to explore the influences of the Dominican Order on all aspects of...