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Étiqueté : études culturelles

Appel à contribution : « Interrelations between Painting and Optical Science 1300-1600 », Vienne, Université de Vienne, 18-19 novembre 2022, date limite le 30 juin 2022

Painting as a Model of Seeing and Thinking. Interrelations between Painting and Optical Science 1300-1600 International Conference, 18/19 November 2022 Department of Art History, University of Vienna Organizer: Ass. Prof. Dr. Sandra Hindriks The profound change in the conception of painting that took place at the transition from the late Middle Ages to the Early Modern period, both north and south of the Alps, was decisively influenced by the science of optics, the so called...

Parution : Stefan Bauer, Simon Ditchfield, “A Renaissance Reclaimed Jacob Burckhardt’s Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy Reconsidered”, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022

  Brings together in one place the insights of historians of Renaissance literature, art, scholarship, religion, political theory, and festivals Considers Burckhardt’s ideas both in terms of their intrinsic worth and for what they tell us about the age in which he was writing Represents the latest scholarship in the relevant fields   Publication date : 24 May 2022 Source

Appel à candidature : Bourse Panofsky, « Art, Nature, and Technology in the early Modern Period », ZIK, Munich, date limite le 28 février 2022

Panofsky Fellowship 2022: Art, Nature, and Technology in the early Modern Period Prof. Dr. Maria Fabricius Hansen, Copenhagen, will hold the Panofsky Professorship at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Munich in 2022. In connection with this professorship the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte seeks applications for a Panofsky Fellowship. The fellowship is intended for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars (who have graduated within the last five years) who are working on a project related to the topic “Art,...

Appel à communications : « Femmes-oiseaux et encagements genrés. Genre, sexualité et désir autour des cages et des volières », Lyon, date limite le 5 juillet 2021

Cette journée d’études, organisée dans le cadre du programme de recherche « Nature(s) en cage(s) : une approche interdisciplinaire des volières » (PuNaCa – Putting nature in a cage: an interdisciplinary research program on aviaries), est consacrée au motif de l’encagement féminin. Elle vise à étudier, dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire, sur des plans aussi bien symboliques que matériels, pratiques, iconographiques ou linguistiques, les relations qui se sont tissées entre le goût pour l’ornithologie, les rapports...

Parution : Robin O’Bryan (ed.) “Games and Game Playing in European Art and Literature, 16th-17th Centuries” Amsterdam University Press 18-03-2019

Parution : “Games and Game Playing in European Art and Literature, 16th-17th Centuries”, écrit par Robin O’Bryan, publié par Amsterdam University Press, date de publication 18 – 03 – 2019   Présentation: This collection of essays examines the vogue for games and game playing as expressed in art, architecture, and literature in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe. Moving beyond previous scholarship on game theory, game monographs, and period and regional studies on games, this volume analyzes...