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Étiqueté : europe moderne

Appel à communication : « Echanges, mobilités et collaborations. Le monde de la soie entre la France et l’Italie, XVIe – XIXe siècles », Besançon, Université de Franche-Comté, 22 novembre 2024, date limite le 30 juin 2024

La soie est abordée, dans l’historiographie récente, comme un matériau dont la production et la consommation ont joué un rôle crucial dans la formation du monde moderne, notamment en raison de la multiplicité et de la complexité des échanges auxquels cette précieuse fibre a donné lieu. Les relations franco-italiennes autour de la soie constituent un objet d’étude qui permet d’approcher dans toute leur richesse les multiples enjeux, à la fois socio-économiques, politiques, environnementaux, artistiques et...

Parution : Guy Tal, « Art and Witchcraft in Early Modern Italy », Amsterdam University Press, 2023

The figure of the witch is familiar from the work of early modern German, Dutch, and Flemish artists, but much less so in the work of their Italian counterparts. Art and Witchcraft in Early Modern Italy seeks to explore the ways in which representations of witchcraft emerged from and coincided with the main cultural currents and artistic climate of an epoch chiefly celebrated for its humanistic and rational approaches. Through an in-depth examination of a panoply of...

Exposition : « Versos. The Hidden Side », Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado, 7 novembre 2023-3 mars 2024

The B-side of the pictorial support, whether panel, fabric, metal or stone, is a private, intimate space. In the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance the functions of some types of paintings entailed their transport and handling, as a consequence of which they became three-dimensional and object-like, as seen in various examples in the exhibition. However, the vast majority of paintings produced at that date and particularly in subsequent periods were hung on the wall....

Exposition : « Raffael. Silk and Gold », Vienne, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 26 septembre 2023-14 janvier 2024

In the autumn of 2023, the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna showcases a medium that played a central role in the public celebrations of princely power and magnificence during the Renaissance : monumental tapestries. The most exquisite products fashioned from delicate silks and precious metal threads were produced in Brussels, including the series of tapestries depicting the story of the Apostles, commissioned by Pope Leo X (1475-1521) for the Sistine Chapel in Rome. The cartoons, which led...

Colloque : « Cartari décentré : Les Images des dieux dans l’Europe de la première modernité (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) », Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3, 1-2 juin 2023

PROGRAMME   Jeudi 1er juin  9h Accueil des participants 9h30 Introduction : Jan Blanc et Rachel Darmon Session 1 : Les Images des dieux entre France et Italie. Présidence : Emmanuelle Hénin 9h50 Anna Sconza (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle): « Les Images… traduites et augmentées en François : la fortune du texte de Cartari, entre France et Italie ». 10h35 Rachel Darmon (Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3 et IRCL, CNRS): « Traduire entre trois langues (italien, latin, français) : enjeux et visées de la double...

Journées d’étude : « Sacred Drama. Art, Devotion and Performance », en ligne et sur place, St Andrews, University of St Andrews, 11-12 mai 2023

This interdisciplinary conference will bring together scholars from nine countries, from fields including history, art history, architectural history, theatre history, music, theology/religious studies, and literature, with two main objectives: The first is to consider an inclusive definition of ‘sacred drama’ that refers not only to religious theatre, as traditionally understood, but includes rituals and various forms of devotional practice, as well as engagement with sacred images, objects and spaces. What are the elements of this...

Appel à contribution : « The Episteme of Early Modern Drawings and Prints », Berlin, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 28-29 septembre 2023, date limite le 30 avril 2023

The academy project “Antiquitatum Thesaurus: Antiquities in European Visual Sources from the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”, hosted at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (, and the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Munich ( are organizing a series of colloquia in 2023-2024 on the topic “Visualizing Antiquity. On the Episteme of Drawings and Prints in the Early Modern Period.” The significance of drawings and prints for ideas, research, and the circulation of knowledge about ancient artifacts,...

Journées d’étude : « The Material Culture of War and Emergency », Londres, University College London, 19-20 avril 2023

The Material Culture of War and Emergency in the Early Modern World is a conference that will take place at UCL (University College London) and Oxford on 19 and 20 April 2023. The event begins at UCL’s Institute of Advanced Study on 19 April at 5:30 pm with a keynote lecture from Prof. Sigrun Haude (University of Cincinnati): “The Thirty Years’ War: Up Close and Material” and continues on 20 April with a full-day conference...

Appel à contribution : « Institutional Health. Practice and Metaphor in Early Modern Spaces », date limite le 31 mars 2023

We invite contributions to a volume examining the ways in which health shaped institutional spaces and practices in the early modern world from 1400-1800. In the scope of this volume, we consider institutional “health” metaphorically, as in the stability of the body politic, as well as physically, in terms of both individuals and spaces. While such a topic necessarily confronts painful histories of institutionalization, our goal is to expand beyond discourses centered on the top-down...

Journées d’étude : « Know your place. (Re)Constructing Spaces in Premodern Visual Cultures », Bâle, University of Basel, 9-11 mars 2023

Visual means construct spaces by defining their character and purpose, and dictating human behaviours within them. Medieval monuments such as choir screens or market crosses divided ecclesiastic interiors and juridical topographies, and denoted hierarchies. Wall paintings shaped domestic environments in ancient Roman houses, formed inter-medial dialogues by alluding to textile hangings in pre-modern Central Asian residences, and established idealised ancestor identities in ancient Egyptian tombs. Yet the study of these examples – as well as...