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Étiqueté : Flandres

Parution : David García Cueto, Eduardo Lamas (dir.), « Copies of Flemish Masters in the Hispanic World (1500-1700). Flandes by Substitution », Turnhout, Brepols, 2021

The artistic heritage of the regions that once formed part of the former Spanish Empire includes a large number of painted copies after Flemish masters made during the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries. Most of these works have received little attention, even though they constitute a valuable source for understanding the artistic influence of the Southern Netherlands on Spanish and Latin American art and society in this period. Indeed, the study of copies of Flemish...

Parution : Lizet Klaassen (dir.), « Harmony in Bright Colors. Memling’s God the Father with Singing and Music-Making Angels Restored », Turnhout, Brepols, 2021

Hans Memling’s God the Father with Singing and Music-making Angels formed the upper register of an enormous polyptych painted for the Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria la Real in Nájera, Spain. The three large panel paintings are undoubtedly among the most monumental works of early Netherlandish painting. Since 1895 they have belonged to the collection of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA), where a team of conservators and scholars have devoted themselves in...

Parution : J. Vanessa Lyon, « Figuring Faith and Female Power in the Art of Rubens », Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2020

Figuring Faith and Female Power in the Art of Rubens argues that the Baroque painter, propagandist, and diplomat, Peter Paul Rubens, was not only aware of rapidly shifting religious and cultural attitudes toward women, but actively engaged in shaping them. Today, Rubens’s paintings continue to be used — and abused — to prescribe and proscribe certain forms of femininity. Repositioning some of the artist’s best-known works within seventeenth-century Catholic theology and female court culture, this book...

Parution : Nico van Hout, « Study Heads. Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, Part XX, 2 », Turnhout, Brepols, 2021

This book is devoted to a remarkable aspect of Rubens’s painted production. It investigates and catalogues not only works that Ludwig Burchard (1886–1960) gathered into the category of ‘Study Heads’, but also head studies by artists closely connected to Rubens’s workshop which were demonstrably used in his paintings. The existence of a stock of study heads or tronies allowed Rubens and his collaborators to exploit the same figures in many different contexts and create satisfying...

Appel à contribution : « Flemish Art: Past and Present », Arts, date limite le 24 avril 2021

We invite abstracts for a Special Issue of Arts, titled “Flemish Art: Past and Present.” The title of this issue is intentionally broad. Flemish art is traditionally understood to mean a style of art, particularly painting, as it developed in Flanders and northern France during the fifteenth century. The label of “Flemish” as it pertains to a geographical or political region has changed considerably since Belgium formed as a nation state in 1931. Consequently, “Flemish”...

Exposition : “Facing Van Eyck, The Miracle of the Detail”, Bruxelles, BOZAR, du 24 septembre 2020 au 10 janvier 2021

“Facing Van Eyck, The Miracle of the Detail” Au Moyen-Âge, pèlerins et croisés partis d’Occident traversaient les territoires byzantins pour rejoindre la Terre Sainte. Ils y ont découvert la culture byzantine et l’ont diffusée à leur retour. Ce n’est toutefois qu’à la fin du XIVe et pendant le XVe siècle que les modèles byzantins ont commencé à devenir une source d’inspiration aux Pays-Bas. Des primitifs flamands comme Van Eyck, Van der Weyden, Memling et Schongauer...

Parution : Ben Van Beneden, Fred Meijer, Timothy De Paepe et Dirk Imhof, “From Titian to Rubens. Masterpieces from Antwerp and other Flemish Collections”, Gand, Snoeck, 2020

From Titian to Rubens – Masterpieces from Antwerp and other Flemisch Collections  In 2017 the Rubens House in Antwerp received two exceptional masterpieces on long-term loan from a private collection : the Vision of Saint Catherine, a painting that has meanwhile become known worldwide as `David Bowie’s Tintoretto’, and Portrait of a Lady and her Daughter, one of Titian’s rare double portraits of a woman and child. To mark the return of these two iconic...

Parution : Samantha Heringuez, “Entre gothique et antique, l’architecture dans la peinture flamande du XVIe siècle”, 2020, Classiques Garnier « Arts de la Renaissance européenne », n°7

Samantha Heringuez, “Entre gothique et antique, l’architecture dans la peinture flamande du XVIe siècle” (2020) Ce livre sur les décors fictifs de trois figures majeures du premier romanisme, Jean Gossart, Bernard van Orley et Pieter Coecke van Aelst, permet de prendre acte de leur culture architecturale et d’apporter un nouvel éclairage sur le développement de la Renaissance dans les anciens Pays-Bas. Samantha Heringuez est chercheur associée au CESR (Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance –...

Conférence : « Maps and Society. Cornelis de Hooghe (1541–1583). Emperor’s son and cartographer », Londres, The Warburg Institute, 30 avril 2020

Dr Jacob Gestman Geradts (Early Modern History, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium): Cornelis de Hooghe (1541–1583): Emperor’s Son and Cartographer Lectures in the history of cartography convened by Catherine Delano-Smith (Institute of Historical Research, University of London), Tony Campbell (formerly Map Library, British Library), Peter Barber (Visiting Fellow, History, King’s College, formerly Map Library, British Library) and Alessandro Scafi (Warburg Institute). Meetings are usually held at the Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of...

Appel à communication : « François Ier et les artistes du Nord (1515-1547) », Bruxelles, IRPA, date limite 30 avril

Appel à communication : « François Ier et les artistes du Nord (1515-1547) », Bruxelles, IRPA, date limite 30 avril

. « François Ier et les artistes du Nord (1515-1547) »   Les 25 et 26 février 2016, dans le cadre des activités du groupe de contact du F.R.S.-FNRS « Modèles, échanges et réalisations artistiques (XVe-XVIe siècles) », aura lieu un colloque international dédié aux relations que le roi François Ier a entretenues avec les arts et la musique des anciens Pays-Bas méridionaux. Cette manifestation, qui se tiendra à Bruxelles, à l’Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique (IRPA),...