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Étiqueté : frontière

Colloque : « S’affranchir des frontières. Temps, espaces, acteurs, 1400-1630 », Fribourg, Université de Fribourg, 12-14 juin 2023

Le franchissement et l’affranchissement des frontières peuvent en effet être considérés, entre le XVe et le XVIIe siècles, comme des pratiques essentielles de la constitution de l’identité, aussi bien au niveau de l’individu dans sa singularité personnelle que de l’époque dans sa nature globale de phénomène culturel. Sur le plan temporel, d’une part, les frontières constitutives des époques deviennent perméables, en particulier lorsqu’il s’agit d’actualiser ou de transformer des savoirs ou des modèles esthétiques plus anciens. Sur...

Appel à communication : « Frontiers, Borders and Borderlands in the Early Global World », UCLA, date limite le 10 avril 2023

The officers of MEMSA are pleased to announce this year’s conference, “Frontiers, Borders, & Borderlands in the Early Global World.” The conference will be held in the Humanities Seminar Room, 306 Royce Hall, on June 2, 2023. It will be a hybrid event and possible to join in person or via zoom. MEMSA invites submissions from graduate students in any discipline of medieval and early modern studies, at UCLA and beyond. Abstracts of 250 words...

Parution : Ivana Čapeta Rakić, Giuseppe Capriotti, « Images in the Borderlands. The Mediterranean between Christian and Muslim Worlds in the Early Modern Period », Turnhout, Brepols, 2022

This volume offers a unique exploration into the cultural history of the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Period by examining the region through the prism of Christian-Muslim encounters and conflicts and the way in which such relationships were represented in art works from the time. Taking images from the period as its starting point, this interdisciplinary work draws together contributors from fields as varied as cultural history, art history, archaeology, and the political sciences in...

Colloque : « Testing the Limits : Absence, Presence, and the Bounds of the Premodern Image », Basel, Eikones Forum, 12-13 mars 2020

Programme : Thursday, March 12 10:00 Coffee 10:30 Welcome + Introduction to Conference – Ralph Ubl (Universität Basel/eikones) Nancy Thebaut (Universität Basel/eikones) Chair: Lucas Burkart (Universität Basel) 11:00 Christopher Heuer (University of Rochester) – Dürer/Evaporation 12:00 Amy Knight Powell (University of Southern California) – Boxes and Strings 1:00 Lunch Break Chair: Barbara Schellewald (Universität Basel) 2:30 Nancy Thebaut (Universität Basel/eikones) – Elliptical Images of Christ 3:30 Meseret Oldjira (Princeton University) – Present but not Seen:...