Étiqueté : Giorgione

Parution : Giovanni C.F. Villa, “Giorgione”, Silvana Editoriale, Milan, 2022

    The most comprehensive overview in print on the Renaissance master of Venetian sensuality Famous for his enduringly popular and canonical masterpieces such as The Sleeping Venus and The Tempest—often considered the first true landscape painting in Western art—Zorzi da Castelfranco, known as Giorgione (1474 or 1478–1510) was, along with Titian, one of the greatest masters of the Venetian Renaissance. Although his brief career lasted just over 10 years, the handful of surviving paintings...

Exposition : “Titian and the female image: beauty, love, poetry”, Milan, Palazzo Reale, 23 février-5 juin 2022

This exhibition focuses on the women painted by Titian and his contemporaries: their beauty, elegance, sensuality and the particular status that their representation acquired in Venetian society at that time. (Sylvia Ferino) In sixteenth-century Venice, the female image acquired unprecedented importance in the history of painting. To celebrate this theme, Palazzo Reale opens its 2022 programme with the “Tiziano e l’immagine della donna” (Titian’s Vision of Women) exhibition. From February 23rd to June 5th, 2022...

Exposition : « Le Trame di Giorgione », Castelfranco Veneto – Museo Casa Giorgione, du 27 octobre 2017 au 4 mars 2018.

Le Trame di Giorgione – Capolavori della storia dell’arte e del tessuto riuniti in Casa Giorgione. Per svelare una innovativa storia del costume. Mostra a cura di Danila Dal Pos   La Pala di Castelfranco, capolavoro primo di Giorgione, offre il naturale punto di partenza per una sontuosa mostra che trova negli ambienti del Museo Casa Giorgione il suo fulcro. Per espandersi poi in diversi siti della Città Murata, destinati ad accogliere l’attualità della grande tradizione di tessoria della Serenissima di...

Exposition : “Giorgione e Savoldo – Note di un ritratto amoroso”, Brescia, Museo di Santa Giulia, 12 septembre 2014 – 9 novembre 2014

Exposition : “Giorgione e Savoldo – Note di un ritratto amoroso”, Brescia, Museo di Santa Giulia, 12 septembre 2014 – 9 novembre 2014

Giorgione, Double portrait, c. 1502, Rome, Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia   “RINASCIMENTO” : tel est le bien-nommé cycle de trois  expositions que l’on pourra admirer au Museo di Santa Giulia de Brescia, lesquelles conduiront au point d’orgue de cette grande manifestation culturelle : la réouverture de la pinacothèque Tosio Martinengo. Le programme s’articulera jusqu’au printemps 2015 (les deux autres expositions feront l’objet de billets distincts) autour de quatre grandes figures ayant marqué la ville...

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