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Étiqueté : gothique

Journée d’étude : « Gothic Modern – From Darkness to Light », Helsinki, Ateneum Art Museum, 4 octobre 2024

This expert seminar is organised in connection with the opening of the exhibition ‘Gothic Modern—From Darkness to Ligh’ at the Ateneum Art Museum in Helsinki. The international exhibition is based on an extended research project, which, for the first time, explored how artists of the modern era became interested in European medieval and Northern Renaissance art. The exhibition coincides with the publication of a comprehensive exhibition catalogue in English and Norwegian, distributed by Hirmer Publishers,...

Conférence : Alice Bovey, « The House of Mirth: the ethics of laughter and ridiculous Gothic art », Londres, The Courtauld, 26 mars 2024

Medieval art frequently juxtaposes sacred texts and spaces with witty, satirical, silly, and sometimes arrestingly crude images.  Nuns dance barefoot, fox-bishops preach to their prey, and disembodied bottoms trumpet in stained glass, sculpture, and the margins of books that contain scripture, prayers, and liturgy. From the time that they were made, such images have provoked amusement and bemusement, ire and iconoclasm. They have found new admirers in the instagram age, harp-playing donkeys and knights riding...

Colloque international : « Le Marche e l’Adriatico nel Quattrocento : Arte e architettura tra eredità gotica e Rinascimento dell’antico », en ligne, 28-29 avril 2021

La produzione artistica e architettonica quattrocentesca nell’attuale territorio marchigiano si profila come un fenomeno proteiforme e complesso, tanto da sfuggire a una reductio ad unum della storia e della critica. Gli studi degli ultimi trent’anni sulla “fioritura tardogotica nelle Marche” (con le tre mostre di Urbino, Sanseverino Marche e Fermo), su Gentile da Fabriano e la sua eredità, sulla stagione varanesca di Camerino e sulla pittura di Ancona (condotti da gruppi di ricerca guidati da...

Parution : J.-M. Guillouët, « Flamboyant Architecture and Medieval Technicality: The Rise of Artistic Consciousness at the End of Middle Ages (c. 1400 – c. 1530) », Turnhout, Brepols, 2019

This book seeks to further our understanding of the socio-genesis of artistic modernity by turning to microhistory. It explores a late-medieval decorative procedure that emerged and spread in northern and central France from the early fifteenth century to the start of the following century. Using the well-known miniature, the Building of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem from the fifteenth-century codex of Les Antiquités judaïques as a starting point, this study deals with architecture and technical knowledge...

Colloque : “La France en Italie. Artistes et œuvres français en Italie à l’époque gothique”, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 14-15 novembre 2019

La France en Italie. Artistes et œuvres français en Italie à l’époque gothique Les échanges culturels entre la France et l’Italie ont toujours été un objet d’études important pour la recherche sur l’art médiéval, notamment pour l’époque gothique. Qu’il s’agisse d’artistes ou d’artefacts, d’idées artistiques ou de choix techniques, les interactions mutuelles constantes ont été une source d’inspiration pour les deux parties. Des artistes français ont travaillé en Italie ; si les voyages de membres...